a new room came on tonight, called Proud Democrats. I first went on and there were eight people on there. None of them talking. There are no hosts, no bots, etc.
I entered an inocuous post, and pretty soon the right wingers started to gather. A few left wingers dropped in. I wanted to talk about primaries, but the right wingers managed to disrupt until the room became incomprehensible.
I do not know who started the room, but I begin to think (admittedly paranoid) that it was a place to get the democrat ducks in a row.
All of the right wing rooms have hosts to kick off disrupters. This one was totally disrupted by right wingers. And there is no host. No control.
I iggied as many as I could, but I could not successfully overcome the innate responses of attacked democrats.
I felt like it was a synagogue and people spouting messianic Christianity, or muslimism were interrupting the service. The neocons have their own damned rooms.
This is disgusting. Anybody out there who is in the mood, please go to msn chat, to chat home, to news, to proud democrats, and see what you can do.