Picture this: A U.S.-based activist hacks into the Fox News Web site and diverts traffic to a screen where the phrases "Peace and Justice" "End the Occupation" and "Defeat Empire" flash across...what do you suppose would happen to this activist legally and socially? Certainly, she wouldn't get a soft reprimand from the U.S. courts and Rupert Murdoch (the owner of Fox News). She wouldn't be told "It's ok this time, we understand you are angry at the promotion of an illegal war...just don't do it again!"
No. She would be called unpatriotic. She would be fined severely, berated on cable television, demonized in editorials and possibly would face a long jail sentence. After all, hacking into a Web site and email -- which is the legal equivalent of committing wire fraud and causing disruption to an electronic communication -- is a felony in the U.S. and carries a maximum jail sentence of 25 years and a fine of $500,000. ... In fact, Attorney General John Ashcroft and the Justice Department just completed what they called "Operation Cyber Sweep,"..One can almost picture Ashcroft riding along the information superhighway lassoing in "evil doers." However, he seems to have let one slip by.
Between March 24 and March 27 -- at the outset of the U.S. invasion of Iraq -- 24 year old Web designer John William Racine II, of Norco, Calif., hacked into Al-Jazeera's Web site, blocking access to Internet users and Al-Jazeera's own Web masters....forged documents and created "Muhammed Jasim AlAli," al jazeera.net’s "new" system administrator. Using this fake identity, Racine changed the password for entry into the Web site's network and halted the site completely....Al Jazeera has declined to disclose the amount of money it lost..Racine pleaded guilty...His punishment for committing these felonies? 1,000 hours of community service and a $2,000 fine. No jail time, no probation, no hefty fine and little public discussion of this man’s fundamentally undemocratic and inherently racist actions...."I don't think of you as an evil person...but this was a crime. It wasn't just a childish prank," U.S. District Judge Howard Matz told Racine..Eric Burns - evil. John Racine - not evil. Al Jazeera - evil, Fox News - not.
As Racine hacked Al Jazeera’s site for publishing images of war and U.S. military casualties, the NYSE also took matters into its very powerful hands. The stock exchange barred Al Jazeera’s two business analysts Ramsey Shiber and Ammar Sankari from reporting about business news from its floor. Soon afterwards, the NASDAQ stock market did the same. The reporters, who provide some of the only business commentary directly to the Arab world, were told that the NYSE was cutting back on broadcasters. No one else was let go....We cannot forget the April 8 death of Al Jazeera journalist Tariq Ayoub...Nor can we forget that in November 2001 US forces destroyed Al Jazeera’s Kabul office - also a widely known civilian location.
Apparently, freedom of speech is only protected if it comes wrapped in red white and blue bow.