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Why I hate George W. Bush even more, if such a thing were possible.

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Clark4Prez Donating Member (507 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-19-03 08:02 AM
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Why I hate George W. Bush even more, if such a thing were possible.
After the election mess of 2000, I promised myself I would not become like "them". After 8 years of spittle coated anger prattle of "body counts" and "Mena", I would support the president, even if I disagreed with him. (I tried, I really, really, did!)

Then along came the China spy-plane fiasco, and my hopes for four average years until the election were cracked. In the aftermath of 9-11 and the Patriot Act, they were shattered. I could not look at that smirk, the one that just seems to shout "F you, America!", without feeling the blood pressure rise.

I hate him, without question, without doubt, and with every ounce of my being. But that was before the other day. No, I am not talking about the much celebrated "capture" of SH, (continuing to present a danger to the free world, hiding in a hole in the ground). The other day, I came to hate * even more.

I was riding in the car with my 12 year old daughter and she mentioned to me that one of her classmate's brother was killed in Iraq. She said, "They had to cremate him, because there wasn't enough left of him to bury."

My blood boiled and my heart filled with a mixture of sadness and outright hatred for a man who has destoryed so many lives. All the while he is laughing his way to the bank. I hate him, and I want him unemployed by 2004. I don't think I can take four more years of this.
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ikojo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-19-03 08:10 AM
Response to Original message
1. From your mouth to G-d's ears!!!
I too feel a visceral intense dislike for the thief in the White House. Hate is too strong an emotion to waste on such a pathetic piece of carbon matter. What a waste of oxygen!

I did not even entertain the thought of showing this poster boy for affirmative action for the well heeled and well born any respect. NO respect was shown by the pugs and some Dems to PRESIDENT Clinton for EIGHT years.

I sit and think of what would the Republicans do if there were a Dem in the White House whose friends and campaign contributors were being handsomely rewarded while the sons and daughters of the WORKING CLASS were over in Iraq DYING for their wealth. You had better believe there would be investigation after investigation.

There would be no support the troops or support the president. Just like Kosovo (I recall a comment that Delay made about being able to support the troops while not supporting the President).

It would be foolish of us to forget the treatment given to Clinton while he was in the White House. These people don't like Democrats. To the hardcore pug Democrat equals socialist regardless of HOW conservative the Dem is (in their eyes even Lieberman is a socialist because he calls himself a Democrat).

Their goal is a one party (Republican party) state. The more they are able to bring the Dems to the right the closer they are to achieving their goal.

Remember 2000
Remember 1993 to 1999
NEVER FORGET how Clinton was despised and unrespected.

Show Bush the door in 2004!
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max2000 Donating Member (25 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-19-03 08:37 AM
Response to Reply #1
4. A Republican State?
Try a facist state. Look at how he and other Goper leaders treat those in his own party.

What makes me more infuriated is this twisted line he's got to keep suckers believing in him. Idiot Scotty, his press secretary says that its the presidents duty to protect the american people.

Wrong, Wrong, Wrong, Wrong.

He placed his hand on the bible and swore to UPHOLD THE CONSTITUTION.
all he's done since he lied and bullied his way into office, is wipe his rear end with it.
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Bertha Venation Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-19-03 09:15 AM
Response to Reply #1
9. AMEN. n/t
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rustydog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-19-03 09:28 AM
Response to Reply #1
10. I have to disagree with only one of your statements
it isn't that the Republicans don't like Democrats...These people ANYONE! Democrat, Green, Progressive, Muslim, Jew, Gentile etc.. these people aren't Christians, they aren't even the right-wing fundamentalists..they have tapped into the freeks hate of a democratic society..but they will take care of those people at a later time.

It is solely about greed and power.

Unless you are one of the few who walk in the rarified circles of the super-wealthy, you just don't count. plain and simple.
we are only a thorn in their side because we still have the right to vote and to protest...but for how long?
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jonoboy Donating Member (759 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-19-03 08:26 AM
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2. the first time I've actually despised a poltician as well
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Kremer Donating Member (265 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-19-03 08:40 AM
Response to Reply #2
5. Amen! You could not have said it better.
I feel the same way. I've tried to explain this to people, even my own brother, that he is worse than your usual corrupt politician. He's evil. To do some crooked things is one thing but to play with and destroy American lives and families for your own personal goals and greed is UNFORGIVABLE! I too have never hated a politician so much as BFEE.
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laruemtt Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-19-03 08:35 AM
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3. i feel your pain
i know it's not healthy for me to have this kind of hatred in my body so i try to turn it into something else, but it's a neverending battle and at this point the hatred is winning out. he is a disgrace. i'm ashamed he and i are in the same species.
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liberalhistorian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-19-03 08:55 AM
Response to Reply #3
7. I agree, and I, too, have never felt this kind of
hatred and disgust toward a president or politician before, not even St. Ronnie of Reagan, and I simply could not stand him either. I now go out of my way to avoid seeing or hearing him, or even reading an article about him or featuring him. I've never done that before with any other politician, not even the worst repukes.

I don't think I can take another term. What's worse is that my own fellow citizens don't even see this and may very well vote for him next year, thus sealing the doom of their country as they/we know it. And that is almost unbearable to me. Canada, here I come, and I am dead serious.
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Fitzovich Donating Member (179 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-19-03 08:46 AM
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6. Back to the Reagan Years
This all really tracks back to the 1980's when Ronnie and the Right Wing got themselves organized and into positions of power. I can't stand * or his Anti American buddies any more than the rest here but, let's not waste energy on emotion let's help him find the unemployment line as he as done for so many Americans.
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cosmicdot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-19-03 09:11 AM
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8. the ramifications are likely to reverberate many years
of course, we've been feeling the effects of the BushFamilyEvilEmpire (BFEE), and its supporting think tanks, for a couple of decades ... but, the tusami has hit ... corruption is rampant and in broad daylight ...

welcome to DU

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calimary Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-19-03 01:33 PM
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11. Welcome to DU, and know we share your disgust!
Excellent, if extremely poignant, debut. We are all outraged. Nothing you say falls on deaf ears here.

Sometimes I wake up so angry about what has happened to this country in the last few years that I can hardly cope!

My prayers for your daughter's friend and her family...

Shitty that this is all we can offer them.

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HFishbine Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-19-03 01:34 PM
Response to Original message
12. Welcome!
You are on the right track -- just keep thinking for yourself.
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