($150 million) cuts, largely in social service programs, free up money for city and county governments that have lost more than $300 million since the Republican governor rolled back an unpopular tripling of the state's car tax.Does this come as a surprise to you? This is proforma Republican strategy: cut taxes so much spending has to come down, then cut social services to compensate.
Odd one: part of the Gropenfuehrer's cuts is in DMV funding. How much would you like to bet that the enforcement budget (which is where the real money in DMV comes from) is what got cut? Naturally, when enforcement revenue--read: fines--falls because there are fewer people to do the enforcement, the DMV's budget will be cut further. Who knows? Maybe Sammy Hagar won't have to worry about getting number 25 after a few months of Arnold's "leadership."
Field Manual 22-100 (Leadership) defines leadership as the art of getting people to do what they don't want to do. Someone needs to slip Arnold Schwarzenegger a copy of this book.