Not terribly shocking, really. I do wish I'd seen more Obama endoresments on here, however.
Hynes made a splash in the Illinois Leader Website with his 12 Days of Christmas. (I have to admit, I hate to put up a link to it given the fact that they are such conservative TOADS. Sorry, gang, I just can't bring myself to give them any hits...)
I gotta admit, it did make me laugh--granted it is gallows humor--but it was funny:
Dan Hynes’ “Twelve Days of Christmas”
On the first day of Christmas, George W. Bush took from me, a strong and vibrant economy
On the second day of Christmas, George W. Bush took from me, health care for my family
On the third day of Christmas, George W. Bush took from me, earned income tax credit
On the fourth day of Christmas, George W. Bush took from me, education dollars
On the fifth day of Christmas, George W. Bush took from me, 3 million jobs
On the sixth day of Christmas, George W. Bush took from me, fair trade agreements
On the seventh day of Christmas, George W. Bush took from me, safety in the workplace
On the eighth day of Christmas, George W. Bush took from me, unemployment benefits
On the ninth day of Christmas, George W. Bush took from me, ergonomic standards
On the tenth day of Christmas, George W. Bush took from me, prescription drugs for every senior
On the eleventh day of Christmas, George W. Bush took from me, pension protection
On the twelfth day of Christmas, George W. Bush took from me, overtime for workers
Much as I love Obama, I will give Hynes a lot of creidt for this one. Maybe he's not such a stuffed shirt after all...