The Serbian military was fighting a civil war against a terrorist organisation determined to ethnically cleanse Kosovo of Serbs and amalgamate it with Albania to become "Greater Albania". These terrorists first formed in 1982, and have been carrying out violent attacks on Serbs in Kosovo since then.
I'm not going to bother with your arguments about how genocide should be stopped, because it is clear that THERE WAS NO GENOCIDE, nor were there even plans for a genocidal campaign.
The US killed more civillians in Iraq in three weeks than the Serbian military is accused of killing in Kosovo after nearly two years of open war! Where is the genocidal campaign? In fact, the US killed more civillians in Afghanistan, Iraq, and FAR, FAR, more civillians in Viet Nam!
It seems that the Serbian military is supposed to be able to carry out a war without killing any innocents at all, whereas the US can kill as many innocents as it wants.
But I know what your argument is going to be: "but we didn't target them intentionally". Ok, then prove that the Serbs DID target civillians intentionally! If they did, how did they manage to kill less than ONE TENTH the amount of civillians as the US killed in Iraq?
The fact is, the Serbs were NOT targetting civillians.
But I hear you proclaim, why would the media say they were, if they weren't? I'll answer that one with a question: Why did they lie about Iraq? The obvious answer is because the media is a tool of its owners, who are of course part of the ruling elite, and the ruling elite has plans that they don't necessarily like to share with us common people, and so we need to be manipulated.
How did this manipulation occur? Take for example all the propaganda pieces regarding civillians being "expelled" from their homes. Did the media tell you this is not only allowed by the laws of war, but is REQUIRED if their houses are in a war zone? Did you EVER hear the media tell you that? Of course you didn't, because the media was trying to paint the legitmate and legally required actions of the Serbian military as "ethnic cleansing".
It is a simple equation: KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army) terrorists would operate in towns and cities, and would have bases in predominantly Albanian areas because they received either willing support from the locals, or because they had threatend the locals to cooperate. The Serbian military would then begin an operation to capture or kill the terrorists operating in that area (who would have been killing Serbs, Albanians and anyone else who stood in their way), a totally legitmate and in fact right thing to do - after all if there were terrorists in your town wouldn't you want the government to try and capture or kill them?
The Geneva conventions and international law state that civillians must be evacuated from war zones, or at the very least be given the opportunity to leave in safety. So of course the media would tell you that the Serb military had ordered all civillians out of a town. Then the military would carry out it's operation. Any civillians who hadn't left the area would be at risk of being killed, as any US soldier would tell you who is rolling around Bagdad in a hummer.
Of course when US troops kill dozens of civillians in such an operation, it is an unavoidable consequence of military action, and the media hardly even bothers to tell you about it, but when Serbian military operations resulted in such casualties the headlines scream "Massacre!", "Genocide!" etc. Of course no one bothers to find out whether they actually were civillians and not terrorists. No one bothers to find out whether they were forced to remain in town by the KLA (after all only the "bad guys" use human shields) and no one bothers to find out if they were actually killed by the KLA for trying to leave.
Nope, the press just leaves out the "unimportant bits" and let's YOU jump to the WRONG conclusion about what they tell you. They distort the truth to make it seem like the Serbs were evil, while ignoring the fact that the KLA was being supported by Osama Bin Laden (even the US State Dept. said so in 1998), and were in fact terrorists involved in an "ethnic cleansing" operation of their own.
Of course, the proof is in the pudding. We all heard about the mass graves where hundreds of civillians were buried after the evil Serbs came and liquidated them. So where are they? Before the war we told of tens of thousands of deaths. After the war, and a whole lot more quitely we were told that only just under three thousand bodies were found, and that there were no "mass graves" of any more than five bodies.
Even more quietly we were told that some of those bodies were actually Serbs, and some were killed by US bombing, and that some were Albanians ("collaborators") murdered by the KLA. The remainder could just as easily be explained as "collateral damage" (to borrow a US military term) as anything else, and in fact the numbers are so small that it seems the Serbs must have been the most incompetent "mass murderers" ever, or they never actually intended to kill civillians.
So the next argument is "maybe they weren't trying to kill them, only drive them out". That would be a possibility until you found out that a large proportion of Albanian refugees actually fled further INTO Serbia rather than away from it! If Serbs were trying to drive them out, why would they allow them to enter the rest of Serbia? Why would they WANT to? Does that make sense in terms of a campaign against them by Serbs?
Of course it doesn't! That would be like saying the Kurds were being attacked by Saddam Hussein's forces, so they fled into Baghdad! It's just plain nuts.
Face it: The KLA were terrorists and the US supported them. Take for example this article:
Zharku stressed that, during the war, the UCK had obtained concrete evidence of all Albanians working for the local police, which had been set up by the Serbian MUP.
"During the war, our intelligence services managed to obtain a copy of the local police payroll. That list contains the names of Kiki, Elezi, Topojani, Reci and Idrizi. Kiki was even appointed commander of police station 2," Zharku said. He added that the list had been published in Fakti, a Shkup-based (Skopje) daily, only a few days after the NATO strikes against Serbia had begun.
Otherwise, five members of the UCK, Ejup Ranjeva, Rrustem Dema, Enver Axhami, Bujar Tafili and Nuhi Provaliu, were arrested by the UNMIK (UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo) police on 27 October on charges of war crimes committed between 27 February and 8 March 1998 under the law of the former Yugoslavia. All of them have been reported to the police by witness Agim Idrizi. people being refered to as having been killed by the UCK (Albanian for KLA) were Albanians in the Serbian Interior Ministry (ie Police). Why would Serbians who were killing or expelling Albanians let Albanians not only be in the police, but in one case here, be a station commander? Why would the Albanians want to? Notice also that five KLA members have been indicted for war crimes commited a YEAR before the US attack on Serbia.
The fact is that such indictments are merely a cover. The US made too big a deal about the KLA being terrorists, and there is far too much evidence of their murderous acts, for the ICTY to just pretend they never happened, so a token number of KLA fighters have been indicted, while the KLA itself now rules Kosovo.
In fact, here ( .jpg - remove the space before the '.') are some pictures of KLA fighters holding up severed heads of Serb soldiers. These pictures are very graphic, but I draw your attention to them for one reason: The top right photo shows three KLA fighters - One an older man and one a teenage boy. Could bodies of such KLA fighters, who weren't in uniform (unlike these ones) be the source of "Serbs killed old men and boys" accusations? Of course they could, and with the controlled media, they were.
The fact is you were lied to. Hell, even Clinton may have been lied to, though I doubt it. I believe that Clinton knew the score but could do nothing to prevent it because it was handed to him as a 'fait accompli' by George Bush Snr. Oh, you didn't know? Yes, the US involvement in Yugoslavia's breakup was started by Bush Snr, but of course we all know a Bush wouldn't start a war for nefarious reasons, don't we?