This "Blame Clinton" mantra for bush's every failure really gets old...visit the post about BILL CLINTON'S Hart-Rudman Bipartisan Commission on National Security -- and the report they developed and put on bush's desk in January 2001.
The one bush IGNORED, -- and then only implemented a shell of the plan AFTER 9-11, appointing ONE MAN with NO national security experience AT ALL to coordinate and manage 22+ federal agencies - an impossible task even WITH ntl security experience.
This is NOT a cabinet-level department as was recommended in the Hart-Rudman report, but rather a plug-nickel **pretense** of what was actually called for just to make it LOOK like he had done something useful about the situation. He hasn't.
What Tom Ridge DOES HAVE though, and that is the REASON he was given the job - is the potential to deliver the ELECTORAL COLLEGE votes from the state of Pennsylvania to bush and THAT, my dear, is WHY Tom Ridge got that job.
Same reason Aahhhnuld the MeatHead is now Gov of California. MeatHead is expected to deliver California's ECs to bush. Yet ANOTHER bush transparency. DOH!
Clues on eBay 3 for a buck. GET YOURS TODAY!
Tom Ridge has no staff, NO BUDGET - nothing. The SUM TOTAL of what Tom Ridge has done since being appointed - is develop a color-coded 'warning' system which is a national JOKE. I KNOW you've heard the jokes about that silly system. Pathetic. Redicilous.
Have you heard of our SEEN anything ELSE Ridge has done? I haven't. Know WHY? Because his JOB is to deliver those ECs to bush in 2004 and make himself LOOK useful in the meantime. If Cheney peters out, he may become VP...that's the plan. One, the other, both. Whatever.
National Security? STILL not on bush's priority list, I'm afraid. Nope. Guess again.
You might learn something IF you do your research and pay attention. But being a bush supporter, it's already evident that you're incapable of that though and bush COUNTS on that type of complacency to get his votes, so keep it up!
Bottom Line: BUSH couldn't BE more obvious. He was warned by the outgoing Clinton Admin, German intel, French intel and in his OWN DAILY PRESIDENTIAL BRIEFINGS (and THAT is WHY they're trying to hide them).
And George did WHAT?
***N O T H I N G*** (except pass some nice, juicy tax cuts for the richest 1%).
It is painfully obvious JUST WHERE GEORGE'S PRIORITIES were. Let's just say that protecting the country he was SWORN to protect from stuff like 9-11 WAS NOT one of them.
Seems protecting the already-bulging pocketbooks of his business cronies and richest friends was #1, instead. Was then, still is.
SO - turns out the buck stops ANYWHERE but with Bu$h, doesn't it?
NOW this weaselly little man wanted this job so badly that he CHEATED to get it, and now does not want to take responsibility for his actions, his inactions, and his myriad failures and lies.
Sorry, but 'little man bush' belongs in Romper Room, not the White House.