In a major set back to the Bush administration, a federal judge ruled that the Bush Administration's use of faulty science was wrong and that the Puget Sound's Orcas should get protection under the Endangered Species Act.... District Judge Robert Lasnik gave the National Marine Fisheries Service a year to rework its July 2002 decision and propose a new course of action — a move environmentalists claimed would likely bring more help and attention to the plight of the charismatic creatures.
"This is huge," said Kathy Fletcher, executive director with People for Puget Sound. "I can't tell you how happy we are."
While the judge stopped short of ordering the agency to list the whales, "it appears the writing is on the wall," according to Brent Plater, an attorney with the Center for Biological Diversity, which initially petitioned the agency to protect the orcas under the species act. "I just don't see a lot of wiggle room."Seems the wheels are coming of this regime....time is our friend!!
Let go get them folks!!!!
Start by getting involved in the Flood the Zone Friday campaign...details in this thread: WILL WIN!!!!