Tammy Bruce, that is, who keeps turning up on Fox shows debating liberals and leftists while saying things like "I'm a progressive Democrat," or "I'm a lesbian feminist and a registered Democrat."
Are you starting to see a recurrent theme in BruceThought? Needless to say, the racially naughty remarks persist in her current book, The Death of Right and Wrong. Indeed, Bruce revisits an old pal, Bill Cosby, whom she compares unfavorably to convicted rapist Mike Tyson. “”
t least Tyson’s honest about his corruption,” she types. But Bruce dismisses the Coz—along with Kweisi Mfume—as “The Great Black Hypocrite.” Men like Cosby are “the main threat to the black community,” she writes. According to Bruce, Cosby and Mfume are part of the Black Elite—people who are “motivated, whether consciously or unconsciously, by a deep-rooted hatred for their country and themselves, which leads them to attempt to destroy the future of their own people and, indeed, everyone else.” And yes, this is the kind of writing which pervades Bruce’s crackpot books. For the record, Bruce cites only one piece of evidence regarding Cosby’s devilry—an ambiguous (and unsupported) passage from former supermodel Janice Dickinson’s recent book, a book in which Dickinson claims love affairs with many famous men. Most of these men are white, of course, and therefore manage to escape Bruce’s notice. For the record, Dickinson plainly doesn’t claim that she ever had sex with The Coz.
No doubt, all these remarks have been taken out of context. In no way should they make readers wonder why Bruce presents herself as “a progressive” and “a Democrat.” But other parts of The Death of Right and Wrong might at least raise such a question. Early on, we couldn’t help wondering why a fiery progressive would want to say something like this:
T-BRUCE (page 15): Wow! Neither guilty nor innocent! How’s that for Through the Looking Glass? That’s how the liberals would have our world be. No judgment, no conclusions, no reality, no rules, no personal responsibility. No guilt or innocence. The death of right and wrong.
According to Bruce, “the liberals” want there to be “no reality.” We thought that statement was just a bit odd, coming from such a committed progressive....