This is an OUTRAGE! How about some sensitivity training here? :grr:
BAGHDAD, IRAQ—On almost every corner in Iraq's capital city, carolers are singing, trees are being trimmed, and shoppers are rushing home with their packages—all under the watchful eye of
U.S. troops dedicated to bringing the magic of Christmas to Iraq by force."It's important that life in liberated Iraq get back to normal as soon as possible," said
Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz at a press conference Monday. "That's why we're making sure that Iraqis have the best Christmas ever—something they certainly wouldn't have had under Saddam Hussein's regime."
"Thus far, Operation Desert Santa has gone off without a hitch," said Gen. Stanley Kimmet, commander of U.S. armed reconnaissance-and-mistletoe operations in the volatile Tikrit region of central Iraq. "There has been sporadic house-to-house fighting during our door-to-door caroling, but that's to be expected in a Christmas season of this magnitude."
According to Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, the top American military commander in Iraq,
every precaution is being taken to ensure the peaceful enforcement of the Christmas season in occupied Iraq.U.S. soldiers instruct an Iraqi to tell Santa what he wants for Christmas.
