This does not look like the big bounce he was supposed to be getting. 52% is just barely a majority. POLL: A Majority (52 %) of Registered Voters Say the Capture of Saddam Hussein Will Make Them More Likely to Vote for Bush
Saturday December 20, 12:58 pm ET
Most Americans (56 %) Believe Capture Will Prove Link Between Al Qaeda And Iraq; 51 Percent Say it Hasn't Made Them Safer
Registered Voters Evenly Split On Bush Re-Election (46% Yes; 46% No) NEW YORK, Dec. 20 /PRNewswire/ --
More than half (52 percent) of registered voters say Saddam's Hussein's capture makes them more likely to vote to re-elect President George W. Bush's in next year's election, the latest Newsweek poll has shown; only 12 percent say it will make them less likely to vote for Bush. But registered voters are evenly split on whether they want to see Bush re-elected; 46 percent say they do, 46 percent disagree. A majority (51 percent) of Americans say Hussein's capture hasn't made them safer or more secure (41 percent say it has), and 52 percent say it probably won't have much effect in reducing the number of attacks on U.S. military personnel (41 percent say it's likely to reduce the number of attacks)