When will Turdblossom & Co "find" Osama?
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Sun Dec-21-03 01:31 AM
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Poll question: When will Turdblossom & Co "find" Osama? |
Edited on Sun Dec-21-03 01:36 AM by TygrBright
Any bets?
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Sun Dec-21-03 01:43 AM
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1. Osama will win the election for Bush |
Heaven help us if Bush gets a second term. Imagine what he will do when he doesn't have to worry about getting elected. If he doesn't have to go to a bunch of fundraisers, what deeper mischief can he get into.
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Sun Dec-21-03 02:03 AM
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they'll never find 'em...he's dead.
I chose none of the above.
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Sun Dec-21-03 02:38 AM
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...in which case there is a really, really busy SFX team in an NSA bunker somewhere, creating a realistic "corpse" for the PNAClones to "find" at the moment of maximum strategic impact.
Any takers on THAT bet?
cynically, Bright
DemBones DemBones
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Sun Dec-21-03 02:49 AM
Response to Reply #5 |
7. Yep. I hope they're the team that |
made the "Fat Osama" tape -- might as well have the "corpse" look healthy.
Dead or alive, if they possibly can, they'll bring him in before the election.
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Sun Dec-21-03 02:10 AM
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3. Oh they'll "find" Bin Laden alright |
his carcass is hanging in a meat-locker, right next to Reagan's. I wonder who will Rove chose to "die".
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Sun Dec-21-03 02:10 AM
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4. Oh they'll "find" Bin Laden alright |
his carcass is hanging in a meat-locker, right next to Reagan's. I wonder who will Rove chose to "die".
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Sun Dec-21-03 02:43 AM
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Scr*w us....the unveiling will take place in october and there ain't sh*t we can do about it.
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Sun Dec-21-03 04:03 AM
Response to Reply #6 |
8. I very much fear you are right... |
...ol' Karl's just too smug in the face of an otherwise unravelling GOPpie Administration not to have this one safely up his sleeve.
So does this mean it doesn't actually matter a rat's patootie who the Dem nominee is? Could we go ahead and nominate Sharpton? He'd be way the most entertaining to listen to...
puckishly, Bright
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Sun Dec-21-03 03:36 PM
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9. Any "day owls" wanna vote? |
I'm doing a wrap-up reporting poll results tonight....
But I doubt anyone will be surprised.
philosophically, Bright
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 05:50 AM
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