OMG...this is priceless. This man busted his butt for this state for so many years and then got screwed by the state Dems when he got the nod over the Prez of the state Dems. And now?
The man looks GOLDEN!

"Bill Curry tried to warn us about Governor Rowland, but we didn't listen."
Question: Let's start at the end. If the election were held this coming Tuesday, the Tuesday before Christmas, knowing all that we know about the governor, who would be elected if Bill Curry ran against John Rowland?
Answer: The governor would have been defeated the Tuesday before last Christmas for lying over the budget. He'd be run out of the state on a rail. And, you know, this Christmas, the governor couldn't even be nominated for public office even by his own party.
Question: And so you would have been governor.
Answer: With all my tragic limitations. You know, you can never prove a hypothetical, but sure, in all common sense tells you that the governor shortly after the last election became unelectable.Do I look back and feel some frustration over that process? Yes, I do.