A repressive embarrassment
Anyone who thinks the administration and its law enforcement chief, Attorney General John Ashcroft, aren’t out to impede a free press need only hear how the federal government is treating foreign journalists coming to this country on assignment.
Without notification to foreign media outlets, the immigration and customs people are arresting, detaining, and deporting journalists arriving here without special visas. This is so even when they come from nations whose citizens can stay for up to 90 days without a visa if they are arriving as tourists or on business.
If that threatening form of registration is not enough, members of the press arriving without the visas, which no one told them they needed, are treated like criminals, handcuffed as they’re marched through airports, photographed, fingerprinted, and their DNA taken.
http://www.toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20031213/OPINION02/112130159I remember hearing about the foreign journalists detained at LAX a while back, but apparently it's still going on. I hope Ashcroft and his ilk vanish in a puff of smoke next year!
And they want to make us even safer??? (Patriot II)