UGH!! Lieberman got the "Play of the week" on
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Sun Dec-21-03 09:54 PM
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UGH!! Lieberman got the "Play of the week" on |
Edited on Sun Dec-21-03 09:55 PM by mot78
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Sun Dec-21-03 09:57 PM
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but this should probably be posted on the GD - Primary 2004 thread.
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Sun Dec-21-03 10:09 PM
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if the mods want to move this than that's fine with me.
Eric J in MN
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Sun Dec-21-03 10:08 PM
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2. Lieberman's first and last big week (I hope) |
Lieberman got a lot of coverage from the boo-hoo-Gore-didn't-call-him-before-endorsing-Dean lazy journalism.
Never mind that Lieberman hurt Gore by saying that illegal ballots soldiers sent from overseas AFTER the election should be counted in the Florida recount.
Anyway, I doubt there will be another story any time soon which gives Lieberman that much coverage.
Cooley Hurd
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Sun Dec-21-03 10:13 PM
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| the latest terror alert underscores. We're no safer w/ Saddam behind bars.
Holy Joe needs to issue an apology for such a silly statement.
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Sun Dec-21-03 10:18 PM
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he'd get the play of the week for suckering his campaign staff into "forgoing" a paycheck, not for being another "me too"er.:eyes:
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 05:54 AM
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