All those warnings were just smoke. Just little ol' orange alerts like we have today.. nothing to be alarmed about, you see?
He didn't know until... until Card came over and told him, in front of all those cameras, that a second aeroplane had smacked the second tower. That's when he knew: " America was under attack". He was just mistaken when he said later: "I saw the first aeroplane hit the first tower".
Once he knew, because Card told him so, that we were being attacked, why, he just sat there for awhile like any good leader would, and gathered up his thoughts designing a plan to save himself by flying half way across America. And he did. He saved himself. So there!
But back to those alerts... just because several FBI agents had passed along warnings, and just because several countries also passed along warnings that an attack was soon to occur, and just because Condi Rice had only thought a little bit about using jets as missiles, but discarded that silly notion, does that mean that the world's most dangerous man had to listen? Of course not. Therefore, since he didn't listen, he didn't know.
Geez, you'd think those whacko conspiracy theorists would believe the conspiracy theory that a bunch of cavemen would out-fox the FBI and the Air Force and Pentagon all at once and all on the same day. Yep, that's one that takes the cake. And eats it too.
If Bush didn't know... he should have. Grounds for dismissal in either case. Don't you know?