(This story is 5 weeks old, but I think it's an excellent example of how the media in this country is utterly used by the neocons to spin public perception however they want. I couldn't find this issue in the DU archives, but if it was already discussed I apologize.)
In order to get an interview with Rumsfeld, the White House
required that each station air subsequent interviews with Wolfowitz, Bremer, and one other Pentagon official immediately following the Rumsfeld interview. So John Q Public first watches Rummmy, then here's 3 other supposed experts reiterate what Rummy says, and he thinks 'hmmm..must be true..no conflicts here..'
Here's the relevant portion of the Post article:
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn?pagename=article&node=&contentId=A20109-2003Nov9¬Found=truePackage Deal
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, like his boss, is selling the Iraq policy with a new PR initiative, granting interviews to 18 local TV stations from Boston to Seattle during a three-week blitz. But the offer comes with strings attached. The White House media office has insisted that each station air subsequent interviews with three or four other Pentagon officials as a condition for getting Rumsfeld. These include Wolfowitz, Iraq reconstruction boss Paul Bremer and Central Command chief Gen. John Abizaid.
"We presented it as a team," says Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman, "because we thought there was some value" in giving stations "both military and civilian people in the department to talk to over a series of days. . . . I can't imagine people thinking they're getting a bad deal because we're giving them Rumsfeld, Bremer and Abizaid all in the same week."
Says Guy Gordon of Detroit's WXYZ-TV, who disclosed the carrot-and-stick arrangement to viewers: "We weren't bothered at all by the condition. . . . We weren't sacrificing anything to get access" to Rumsfeld.
I heard about it on Counterspin which gave some excellent points:
http://www.fair.org/counterspin/111403.mp3 (starts at 1:34.)
transcribed from Counterspin -- 11/14/03:
...Rumsfeld is not just any official; he's an official with a clear track record of obfuscation and denying reality. To cite just one example, in a September 25 interview, a reporter from Sinclair broadcasting said to Rumsfeld, "Before the war in Iraq, you said they would welcome us with open arms". Rumsfeld responded with a denial: "Never said that, never did. You may remember it well, but you're thinking of somebody else. You can't find anywhere me saying anything like that. I never said anything like that because I never knew what would happen, and I knew I didn't know."
But on February 20, Rumsfeld was asked by PBS's Jim Lehrer, "Do you expect the invasion, if it comes, to be welcomed by the majority of the civilian population of Iraq?" How did Rumsfeld respond? "There is no question but that they would be welcomed. Go back to Afghanistan. The people were in the streets playing music, cheering, flying kites, and doing all the things that the Taliban and al Qaeda would not let them do."
As Eric Rosenberg of Hearst newspapers has pointed out, Rumsfeld has also denied statements he made concerning Iraq's supposed weapons of mass destruction. If you can't trust a person to acknowledge his own words, can you really trust him to accurately convey the complex reality of what's going on in Iraq? It seems to us that instead of following Rumsfeld with 3 or 4 of his associates, TV stations should put on some independent experts who can set the record straight.