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Have all the pundits really forgoten that the election is 11 months away?

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illini Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-23-03 09:48 AM
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Have all the pundits really forgoten that the election is 11 months away?
"Dewey Defeats Truman" comes to mind everytime I hear some fascist pundit sliming for shrubie. But, then again we democrats have a terrible sense of what a firing squad should look like. Ours are usually and inward pointing circle. :smoke: Thanks for reading my thought of the day.
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SheilaT Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-23-03 10:19 AM
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1. The same applies to all of us here
at DU.

Remember that in early 1992 almost no Democratic politician was willing to go up against President George Bush, who was considered to be universally popular and completely unbeatable in the upcoming election because of having triumphed over Iraq in the Gulf War a year earlier.

Bill Clinton, an obscure Governor of a small state was considered a joke. No way he could win. Who'd even heard of him? And then, as his campaign progressed, there were all those stories about women. Oh yeah, don't forget that Bush was invincible.

Well, those eight years of peace and prosperity weren't figments of my imagination, that much I know.

All of the candidates (except for Mosely-Braun, Lieberman, and Sharpton in my opinion) are fully capable of beating Bush in a free and fair election. Especially if in the end we Democrats all come together and support our nominee and do all we can to help him get elected. It makes me truly crazy when someone here posts that "only candidate X can possibly beat Bush" or "candidate Y cannot possibly win the general election". I repeat myself: Clark, Dean, Gephard, Kerry, and Kucinich could all, each and every one of them, would win in a free and fair election. Especially in a national campaign that clearly points out all of Bush's blunders, lies, and destruction of the economy since he took office.
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Indiana Democrat Donating Member (718 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-23-03 11:04 AM
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2. Yes! Anthing can happen!
And it's a 100% propability that "Someting" will happen.
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