Lying, disgruntled Bernie GOLDDIGGER's latest pack o'lies is approaching its true value, zilch. As for COLMES, if we keep heaping contempt on him, will it drive him to converting to wingnutism?
******QUOTE***** at half-price
Former CBS newsman Bernard Goldberg had a big, news-making best-seller with "Bias," which argued that the news media tilt left.
"Arrogance," his sequel, appears to have fallen short of expectations.
Warner, which announced a printing of 350,000 copies before publication last month, will offer retailers a credit on post-Christmas sales designed to cut the price in half, to $13.48. ....
Recent books already at 50% off in Barnes & Noble include a few on the Kennedys, such as Christopher Andersen's unauthorized "Sweet Caroline," and "Red, White & Liberal" by Alan Colmes of Fox News Channel.