... "the iron laws of modern elections: incumbent presidents unopposed in the primaries go on to win the general; opposed incumbents lose.
Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan and Clinton won, easily. Ford (vs. Reagan), Carter (vs. Kennedy, and Bush (vs. Buchanan and Perot) lost their generals.
Bush looks pretty unopposed to me."
Granted, this is comment from a CBS "News" report about Demos fighting each other, but history shows bu$hit with no opposition would sail back in no matter what. Add to *that* the fact that the weasel and his Puke buddies have redistricted nationwide to dilute the Democratic vote, skewered the census numbers in order to maniuplate EC votes in their favour more, have Tom Ridge and MeatHead in Cali to deliver the EC votes from Penn and CA for him, is planning a nationwide 'voter cleansing list' just like the one used in FL - and just as erroneous, and has the electronic voting machinery all rigged by his friends in the voting machine business.
Looks all set to steal another election to me!