Edited on Tue Dec-23-03 11:22 PM by SilasSoule
Some help to counter a co-worker wingnut who sent me this email with his year in review: 1.---Dems side with France and try to appease Iraqi dictator known to harbor terrorists.
2.---Dems predicts hundreds of thousands of casualties if we invade Iraq.
3.---The UN admits it has no will to enforce its own resolutions.
4.---Bush tells all America-haters to go hell and decides to pursue what is in the best interest of the American public.
5.---Bush's military wins the most decisive victory in the history of the world, occupying a country the size of California with 24 million residents in just a few weeks with negligible losses.
6.---Economy rebounds, exhibiting highest rate of growth in 20 years, thanks to Bush's tax cuts.
7.---Gray Davis recalled by the liberal voters of California who realize that socialism never works. Huge embarassment for the DNC.
8.----Saddam Hussein captured. His sons killed. al Qaeda operatives arrested worldwide. Dean weeps.
9.----Bush administration twharts all further attacks on US homeland.
Okay I can come up with at least four. Maybe you guys can help chip in so I can round out a top ten list.
-- Made reference to an IRAQI purchase yellowcake uranium from Niger in State of Union address. The Administration had been informed that the documents that they were relying on for this information were knowingly forged and the information was false
-- Pre-emptively and without provocation invaded, attacked and occupied a country that was no threat to U.S. security killing 500 U.S. soldiers and thousands of Innocent Iraqis and swelling the rolls of IRAQI al-Qaeda recruits.
-- The White House Cold calls journalists in an attempt to leak the identity of a covert CIA agent working in a spy network that was gathering intelligence on WMD procurement and proliferation. The leak was was in retribution for Joe Wilson exposing the truth about the Niger yellowcake lies because the CIA agent was Wilson's wife.
--Granted huge no-bid contracts to Halliburton, The company that was headed by the vice-president before coming to office. Said company proceeded to gouge the U.S. taxpayers by overcharging for gasoline prices in IRAQ.
Please add....