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Bush 41 boat arson teen held in maximum security facility

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terryg11 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-24-03 09:12 AM
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Bush 41 boat arson teen held in maximum security facility
Just caught this on Good Morning America but couldn't find a link yet at the homepage. They were interviewing a Maine couple whose 14 year old son was arrested for intentionally burning a boat belonging to GW sr. The parents are concerned their son is getting a raw deal in that he is being held in a maximum security facility (they can see him for one hour a week!!) and also that the words terrorism have been used in connection with their sons crime. No one is saying that he's innocent but that the punishment doesn't seem to fit the crime. They pointed out that there are a few other juvenile arsonists currently in the system but that they are not being treated this severely (since they were talking about juveniles no examples were given?) No mention as to whether this boy, Patrick knew it was the ex president's boat. Anyone else see this or know more about it?

Seems a little extreme to me
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Soloflecks Donating Member (518 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-24-03 09:16 AM
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1. It's not like
he was specifically targeting 41's boat. He probably had no idea it was even there. Obviously he committed a serious crime but I think committing federal resources to it is wrong, wrong, wrong. I certainly do not think I should be paying for this crap.
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nuxvomica Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-24-03 09:49 AM
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2. Here's a link
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terryg11 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-24-03 09:58 AM
Response to Reply #2
6. thank you very much for the link!!!
glad someone found it
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Ilsa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-24-03 09:55 AM
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3. Under the Patriot Act, I suppose
they have the freedom to prosecute babies for stinking up W's daddy's air with a poop.

This was a kid, only 14, and he should be punished according to the age requirements, not treated almost like a terrorist. I'm surprised the fascists didn't send him to Gitmo.
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radwriter0555 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-24-03 09:56 AM
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4. #41 Pardons TERRORIST ORLANDO BOSCH and sends a little juvie
up the river for HOW long?

Life under bush.
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cosmicdot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-24-03 09:57 AM
Response to Original message
5. * lost a boat in 2000, too
Friday, January 5, 2001
Officials: Bush boat fire was arson
The Associated Press

AUSTIN, Texas -- A blaze that destroyed a motor boat that was co-owned by President-elect Bush resulted from arson, fire investigators said.

Last month's blaze, previously considered an accident, was set on board the 22-foot HarrisKayot cabin cruiser, the state fire marshal's office said Wednesday.

The co-owner of the boat is commerce secretary nominee Don Evans, Bush's former campaign chairman and a longtime friend. Evans had registered the boat and the two shared an insurance policy.


The boat was at Yacht Harbor Marina on Lake Travis, about 15 miles northwest of Austin. Firefighters responded to the blaze at about 10 p.m. Dec. 16, just four days after Bush won the presidency when the U.S. Supreme Court reversed Florida's court-ordered recount of presidential election ballots.


Bush's boat, which can accommodate up to 14 people, sells for $30,000 to $40,000, according to dealers. It had not been driven in about a year, according to the marina's manager.


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