"Desperate to secure the votes needed to kill a Democratic filibuster that could tie up the controversial bill, Republicans asked their vacillating members what they needed to waive application of the Budget Act to the $400 billion bill. Rhode Island Republican Senator Lincoln Chaffee, who had earlier voted with Senate Democrats against cutting off Senate debate, offered his price: an assurance that the controversial "premium support" provision would not apply in his home state. "I'm not selling my vote," Chafee weakly explained: "I had concerns to begin with," which does not explain his willingness to impose the radical change on other senators' constituents. ....."I believe this is the provision that will allow companies to drop those seniors who already have insurance and a drug benefit. Congress will subsidize the companies to "keep" seniors on....probably for a little while.
After the election next year....the companies will no longer be subsidized...and seniors will be dropped and forced into an HMO.
Chaffee sold out other seniors..for NOT IN HIS BACKYARD. Shame on him.