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Fox News: "Is there a war on Christianity? All next week."

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Eric J in MN Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 10:02 AM
Original message
Fox News: "Is there a war on Christianity? All next week."
Edited on Thu Dec-25-03 10:05 AM by Eric J in MN
Fox News is celebrating Christmas by misleading its viewers about the separation of church and state.

O'Reilly is constantly ranting against "The Secularists," who dare to say that a 2-ton monument to the Ten Commandments in the lobby of a courthouse in unconstitutional.

Just now on Fox News, I saw a promo, "Is there a war on Christianity? All next week" (they will run biased stories like this).

The Republicans control the Presidency and Congress and the Supreme Court, so all that Fox News has left is to criticize lower court judges who sometimes rule in favore of separation of church and state, or city councils who decide against spending tax dollars on nativity scenes.

All we can do is support the ACLU and/or Americans United for Separation of Church and State.

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ayeshahaqqiqa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 10:04 AM
Response to Original message
1. I know, I know.
They are spreading the misconception that the Founding Fathers were all good right wing Christians as well. John Adams (Unitarian) and Thomas Jeffereson (theist) are spinning in their graves.
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TreasonousBastard Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 12:22 PM
Response to Reply #1
23. Hamilton and Franklin...
are probably pretty pissed, too.

And Tom Paine.

It is mildly amusing, and occasionally irritating, that the church-in-state crowd has this obsession with Jefferson, who considered writing the Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom a greater accomplishment than being President.

Mandatory reading for anyone interested in church-state discussions:\

Future President Harrison signed the draft of this law, and Madison pushed it through the Virginia legislature.

The Founding Fathers were far from unamimous in wanting a "Christian" nation, and using Jefferson's statute as a basis for the Establishment Clause shows where most really stood.

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Pontus Donating Member (284 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 05:51 PM
Response to Reply #23
36. Jefferson used taxmoney to Christianize the Indians.
Be careful when discussing Jefferson and Christianity. His beef was with most Christian denominations, not with Christianity itself. He'd probably have converted to Mormonism if it had been around in his day.
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xchrom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 10:06 AM
Response to Original message
2. the mirrored opposite
right wing christians have declared war on america with their perversion of the faith and their arrogant self righteous commitment to it.
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Nobody Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 10:12 AM
Response to Original message
3. These are the kind of people
who define "Christian-bashing" as mentioning either that you are not a Christian or that not everyone is.

If you don't fit into their little tiny narrow box they've defined for themselves, or suggest that other people don't, then you're stomping all over their rights.

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fishguy Donating Member (373 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 10:20 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. This is despicable
Same thing happens in Muslim nations.
Using religion to advocate a political position.
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Eric J in MN Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 10:21 AM
Response to Original message
5. Conservatives aren't displaying 2 ton monuments to this bible passage.
19:16 And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? 19:17
And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep
the commandments.

19:18 He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal,
Thou shalt not bear false witness, 19:19 Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

19:20 The young man saith unto him, All these things have I kept from my youth up: what lack I yet? 19:21 Jesus said unto him,
If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and
follow me.

19:22 But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions.

19:23 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven.

19:24 And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the
kingdom of God.
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MrPrax Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 10:25 AM
Response to Reply #5
6. Must be the Commie version?
The Bible needs a re-write to get rid of THAT stuff...jeez

Too liberal and might appeal to 'secularists'
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xchrom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 10:28 AM
Response to Reply #5
8. yes right wing christians are uncomfortable
that jesus often confronted those who were believers i.e. this young man.
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tbeatty Donating Member (32 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 11:10 PM
Response to Reply #5
52. Would it be acceptable to you to have this passage in a courthouse?
Not me.
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La_Serpiente Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 10:26 AM
Response to Original message
7. #@#$@!$%@%^#$%^#%$^#$%^!%!$#@%@#$
Edited on Thu Dec-25-03 10:31 AM by La_Serpiente
Who the hell declared a war on Christianity??!!!???

Is it Christian to leave a "GOD HATES FAGS" Monument in Wyoming or Idaho??? To disgrace the life a gay man who was killed because of who he was!!!

Are they going to put the war on Christianity in the context of what is going on in the world? A conflict between Islam and Christianity? Are they going to bring up the whole judeo-Christian thing???!!!!??? :shrug:

I am really really worried in how they are going to present the topic.

crap like this really piss me off.
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xchrom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 10:34 AM
Response to Reply #7
9. we should all be worried
people get killed for this kind of hateful message.
the left and liberal christians must get out in front and begin to dismantle this crap very loudly -- or it could go someplace very ugly.
and we could be looking for a country to escape religous persecution.
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Eric J in MN Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 10:41 AM
Response to Reply #7
13. Airing a promo "Is there a war on Christianity" it disgusting in itself nt
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AntiCoup2K4 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 10:35 AM
Response to Original message
10. Republicans declared a war on Christianity in 1980
And they have been perverting the teachings of Christ ever since. Happy birthday Jesus :(
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fishguy Donating Member (373 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 10:39 AM
Response to Reply #10
11. Good resource is the Network Lobby website
Catholic Social and Economic Justice
Very left leaning, but it strictly follows the principles of Catholic Social Teaching in establishing views on issues.
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salinen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 10:42 AM
Response to Reply #10
14. "So what's your view on why liberals hate
christians Dr Bennet? Ms. Coulter?, D. Limbaugh?, Dick Morris? Ollie North? Tom Delay? Rev. Falwell, Rev. Robertson? Hannity?"
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rman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 11:19 AM
Response to Reply #10
16. so it's just that RW fundies don't know this?
why else would they support the Republican party?
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rman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 10:39 AM
Response to Original message
12. Maybe if they look really really hard for it. Eager aren't they.
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La_Serpiente Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 10:51 AM
Response to Original message
15. Here is an involved group

recently formed
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blondeatlast Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 11:12 PM
Response to Reply #15
53. Wow, that is a great site! Duly bookmarked.
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kalian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 11:24 AM
Response to Original message
17., why is Dean coming out claiming to be religious...?

MANCHESTER, N.H. -- Presidential contender Howard B. Dean, who has said little about religion while campaigning except to emphasize the separation of church and state, described himself in an interview with the Globe as a committed believer in Jesus Christ and said he expects to increasingly include references to Jesus and God in his speeches as he stumps in the South.

Dean, 55, who practices Congregationalism but does not often attend church and whose wife and children are Jewish, explained the move as a desire to share his beliefs with audiences willing to listen. His comments came as a rival, Senator Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut, chastised other Democrats for forgetting ''that faith was central to our founding and remains central to our national purpose.''

The move is striking for a man who has steadfastly kept his personal life out of the campaign, rarely offering biographical information, much less his religious beliefs. But in the Globe interview, Dean said that Jesus was an important influence in his life and that he would probably share with some voters the model Jesus has served for him.

''Christ was someone who sought out people who were disenfranchised, people who were left behind,'' Dean said. ''He fought against self-righteousness of people who had everything . . . He was a person who set an extraordinary example that has lasted 2000 years, which is pretty inspiring when you think about it.''

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Bush loves Jiang Donating Member (505 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 11:35 AM
Response to Original message
18. I'm confused as Hell...
For all the bad things about O'Reichly, I thought he was a secularist, given his support fmr same-sex marriage.
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GCP Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 11:42 AM
Response to Reply #18
19. He supports civil unions, not same sex marriage
Edited on Thu Dec-25-03 11:43 AM by marshallplan
He's a libertarian when it comes to the bedroom, but not Libertarian enough to let gay people marry.

Every day on his radio show he now rails against the so-called "secularists". Funny, the Founding Fathers would probably have been called secularists by this moron because of their determination to separate church and state.

Is it me, or does anyone else here feel that we are taking giant strides backwards compared to the rest of the civized world?

edited for spelling
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Eric J in MN Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 11:52 AM
Response to Reply #18
20. O'Reilly thinks it's terrible that there is opposition to
O'Reilly thinks it's terrible that there is opposition to a 2 ton monument to the Ten Commandments in a courthouse lobby, or to Congress' adding the words "under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance in the 1950s.

During a September 12, 2003 broadcast of his television show, Bill O'Reilly said secularists want "no moral-judgments. You want to have two guys making out in front of your 4-year-old? It's OK with them. A guy smoking a joint, blowing the smoke into your little kid's face? OK with them. And I'm not exaggerating here. This is exactly what the secular movement stands for."
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LeahMira Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 06:36 PM
Response to Reply #20
37. This is one thing that really gets to me...
During a September 12, 2003 broadcast of his television show, Bill O'Reilly said secularists want "no moral-judgments. You want to have two guys making out in front of your 4-year-old? It's OK with them. A guy smoking a joint, blowing the smoke into your little kid's face? OK with them. And I'm not exaggerating here. This is exactly what the secular movement stands for."

It always seems to be about children. Like here... here's this poor kid being forced to watch two guys make out. First off, four year olds make comments about anything, and they comment very loudly... trust me! But are adults supposed to limit their world to what is appropriate for four year olds? I mean, we can't have certain magazines for sale in the 7-11 because a four year old might see it. We can't have certain programs on TV because a four year old might watch it. So when are adults going to be allowed to live in a world that's geared to adult interests and maturity? Used to be that four year olds were the ones who were not allowed to do certain things or go to certain places. Now it's the adults who aren't allowed.

Four year olds are a lot more frightened and confused when someone tells them that Jesus is going to send people to hell for kissing than they are when they see two people actually kissing. And they are definitely going to comment on the kissing no matter who is doing it. So what are we all going to do... stop kissing in public because a four year old might see it and make a comment? Good grief! Enough of this nonsense about what a four year old thinks about anything. Where are the adults here?

OTOH, anybody who blows smoke in someone else's face is just rude, whether it's pot smoke or cigarette smoke and whether the person in whose face the smoke is blown is four or forty. That isn't about kids. It's about common sense... something apparently not common enough to have been learned by Mr. O'Reilly.

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Nobody Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 10:21 PM
Response to Reply #37
44. And speaking of four year olds...
When ARE there going to be adults in the White House?
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G_j Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 11:58 AM
Response to Original message
21. is there a war on humanity?
IMO, they (the neo-con Christian-Identity-Coalition-Supremacists) are the ones who have declared war on everyone who doesn't share their dogmatic bigoted world view.

Sane American Christians don't feel persecuted, because they aren't.

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blondeatlast Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 11:16 PM
Response to Reply #21
54. Precisely. Fred Phelps doesn't represent me any better than
Ann Coulter does.
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Bozvotros Donating Member (394 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 12:09 PM
Response to Original message
22. Look for lots of this next year
This is where they shore up their votes among deluded Christians by making them feel they are being persecuted against by secularist bullies who won't let them freely exercise and pound home their faith in public schools, courthouses and any other place they want. Look for Bush to promote this myth and lay it on thick to these asshats, combining it with lots of public prayer, testifying, Bible quoting, fearmongering against gays and superficial moves to make abortion illegal. It is guaranteed that this kind of thing will be a constant next year, as Rove and Company will attempt to paint Democrats as godless, homo-loving abortionists who want to destroy our faith and capitulate to the Muslim menace. Pious Joe Sixpack who is broke, out of a job and unable to afford medical care needs someone besides Bush to blame for all the problems that are suddenly besetting him and the country.
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TreasonousBastard Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 12:37 PM
Response to Original message
24. A war on Christianity????
I can't begin to describe the tightening in my gut when I see things like this.

It is a very un-Christian rage that wells up.

If there is any war, it has been started by a group of thugs who have again perverted the message of Christianity and insist on shoving their version down all of our throats.

Puritans hung Quakers, the Inquisition burned heretics, the Taliban enforced their own perverse rules, the Chinese government tells Buddhist monks who the Lama should be... It goes on and on.

Religious fanaticism is not religion. It is fanaticism, and the state must have no part in it.

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blondeatlast Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 11:17 PM
Response to Reply #24
55. Amen, amen, amen.
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OilemFirchen Donating Member (535 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 12:46 PM
Response to Original message
25. Tipping their hands
How could a wall of separation between Church and State be anti-Christian? Don't all other faiths line up on the "Church" side?

Whether intentional, accidental, or as a result of ignorance, this meme is designed to coordinate with all the others professing this to be a "Christian Nation".

BTW, if 98% of the population are church-going Christians (as the same messengers are wont to repeat ad nauseaum), how can there be a "War on Christianity" in the U.S.? Buncha self-loathers?
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Malva Zebrina Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 01:03 PM
Response to Original message
26. Yup--persecuted Christians, that is the message I am seeing
and it will be embraced by the literalist extremist Christians who are convinced that they are being persecuted because every time they try to practice their religion as guaranteed by the consitution, someone stops them. :shrug: Not to mention the many many examples I have read of these same Christians persecuting OTHER Christians--:eyes:

Why can't people just practice their religion, reflect in quiet peace , be happy and leave other people and their religion alone?
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salinen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 01:08 PM
Response to Reply #26
27. I heard assmouth Medved
say yesterday that 6% of Americans practice judaism and 96% practice christianity. Love the new math.
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LeahMira Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 06:43 PM
Response to Reply #27
38. It's not new math...
I heard assmouth Medved...
say yesterday that 6% of Americans practice judaism and 96% practice christianity. Love the new math.

2% of those are Jews for Jesus. :-)

Actually, according to the National Jewish Population Survey for 2000, about 2.3% (or some say it's 2.5%) of Americans are Jewish. Of those, about 50% aren't what you'd consider practicing Jews, although they do self-identify as Jews.

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FDRrocks Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 01:12 PM
Response to Original message
28. Why do some religious always need to feel villified?
Edited on Thu Dec-25-03 01:13 PM by FDRrocks
I ask this not as an insult to fellow religious DU'ers. But from my perception, the more vocal among the major religions always have to feel like someone or something is after them. What is the deal?
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Skittles Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 04:18 PM
Response to Reply #28
33. maybe if you believe in fairy tales
paranoia is not much of a stretch
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Wapsie B Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 05:12 PM
Response to Reply #28
34. The more conservative the religion,
the more that church has to resort to fear tactics to keep the flock in line. Absolutism plays a part in this, being a big draw for people needing black/white assurance in this world filled with gray. Victimization is another factor, showing the saved that the ungodly masses of the world are persecuting them. This gives them all the more reason to believe their creed and go out and indoctrinate others.

An undercurrent of fear is absolutely necessary for conservative fundamentalism to survive.
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eleny Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 01:25 PM
Response to Original message
29. I'm sick of their "victim" game
They don't get to dominate everyone and that's supposed to make their religion a victim. Don't agree with them on the definition of marriage and they make marriage a victim.

They need to to stop nailing themselves to a cross. Trying to hammer in that last nail makes them look awfully silly.
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homelandpunk Donating Member (787 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 11:01 PM
Response to Reply #29
50. They don't trust Jesus. They fucking hate him.
Jesus said blessed are they when you are reviled and persecuted for my names sake." And to "rejoice" in it. That means not bitching and whining when you are persecuted for "righteousness' sake". Here is proof of their hatred of Christ.
They bitch about imaginary "persecution", the so-called persecution is unrelated to Jesus, the persecution is wholly political paranoia, without any spiritual merit, and then on top of this, they bitch about it, rather than rejoice, as Christ said to do. Holy fuck.
These christians hate Jesus more than atheists. I mean how can you believe some dude is God, and then flagrantly disobey what he requires? That is some real god-hating going on.
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blondeatlast Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 11:23 PM
Response to Reply #50
57. Fundamentalists are people who want to be told what is in the Bible.
They don't want to actually read it for themselves.

It's the Bible by way of Pat Robertson (who doesn't seem to be studying the same one I am). Kind of like they get their news about the quagmire in Iraq--from Bill O'Rielly.

Their leaders pervert Christ's teachings the way this administration and its enablers have perverted free speech.
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Terwilliger Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 01:28 PM
Response to Original message
30. yes, there is a war being waged against Christianity
perpetrated by people who call themselves Christians
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blondeatlast Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 11:26 PM
Response to Reply #30
58. It would seem so.
What is the best way to destroy a time honored, dignified, trustworthy institution? Tear it down from within.

This Christian fights the perverters of Jesus name and philosophy tooth and nail. They make me sick--literally.
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proud patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 04:00 PM
Response to Original message
31. Don't forget to support the National Lawyers Guild also
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mouse7 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 04:14 PM
Response to Original message
32. I'd just like a buncha duct tape...
... to seal their evangelizing back up in the churches and homes where it belongs.
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drdigi420 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 05:28 PM
Response to Original message
35. I wish
Except I would include all religions, not just christianity.

Religion turns otherwise intelligent people into delusional sheep and is very dangerous to the rest of us.
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BlueJazz Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 06:58 PM
Response to Original message
39. Jesus loves me , Yes I know......
...'cause the voices told me so.
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karlschneider Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 06:59 PM
Response to Original message
40. Here's an old one from the Fido network:
Date: 03 Feb 98 20:55:30 Public
From: Marilyn Burge
To: Jim Staal
Subject: Nazi Neighbours <1>
MB> Please enlighten us about all this religious persecution.

JS> No prob, ma'am. All one has to do is mention that he or she is a
JS> Christian and the flood of ridicule begins. Such endearing terms as
JS> 'dolt, moron, idiot, a**hole, f**kstick, dips**t' and the list goes
JS> on...

Here. Let me add some 200 complaints with far more substance
to your list.

Library: Humor: Life In Our Anti-Christian America

Life In Our Anti-Christian America
Robby Berry

During a recent exchange of flames and frivolity on a local Usenet group
(osu.opinion, a newsgroup available only to students of The Ohio State
University), somebody made the observation that America was an "anti-Christian"
society. As an atheist, I am well-aware of the extent to which religion,
especially Christianity, permeates our society. As a result, I found this claim
difficult to believe. As I was in a playful mood at the time, I decided to
debunk his claim in a somewhat roundabout manner.
The response to the article was fairly good, and one person asked me to repost
it to alt.atheism, which I did. Reponse there was even better, and one person
even sent me some additional items to add to the list. I then decided to make
this a "collaborative rant" by taking suggestions for items to add to the list.
Eventually, I had to turn the list over to somebody else, due to the lack of
spare time brought about by the birth of my son Jonathan. The list was
maintained by Jeffery Jay Lowder for a while, but he too is now suffering from a

lack of spare time. New items for the list are no longer being accepted.

I'm certainly glad this has finally been brought out into the open. The
anti-Christian bias in our society has reached absurd proportions. Consider:
During the 1988 election campaign, George Bush said that Christians should
not be considered patriots or real American citizens.

1. Bill Clinton steadfastly refuses to give any speeches at local
churches. Both major political parties are dominated by
anti-Christians. The Republican party, for example, gave us such
hard-core atheists as Pat Buchanan, Dan Quayle, Phyllis Schlafly
and Ronald Reagan. And the Democrats have given us such
personalities as the Rev. Martin Luther King and the Rev. Jesse
Jackson-- both noted for their vicious attacks on all forms of

2. Let's talk about the media. On Sunday mornings, nearly all
major television channels broadcast pro-atheist shows; it is
nearly impossible to find religious programming during that time
period. Further, Madalyn Murray O'Hair has her own cable TV
channel, while Pat Robertson has been unable to obtain one for

3. Most major newspapers run a special weekly section devoted to
atheism. There are no equivalent sections for religious news.

4. Anti-Christian shows such as the American Atheist Forum are
broadcast by major national networks. Meanwhile, Billy Graham is
only able to get on the air through public access TV, which is
watched by few people.

5. On news programs and "reality" TV shows such as Rescue 911,
nobody is ever shown giving thanks to God after surviving a

6. It is almost impossible to find a shopping mall with a
Christian Armory book store, while Atheist Book Centers are
featured prominently on every corner. While atheists couples who
marry rarely have any difficulty finding a place to do so, it is
nearly impossible for Christian couples to find a church where
they can marry.

7. For that matter, churches themselves are extremely rare, while
atheist meeting centers can be found every few blocks.

8. Recently, several atheists have shot and killed Christian
priests as they were going to work in their churches. Similarly,
atheists are well known for blockading churches on Sunday

9. Nearly all of our elected public officials are atheists; they
even have to swear on a copy of Darwin's "Origin of Species" in
order to take office. In a similar vein, jurors must take an oath
upon a copy of the Skeptical Inquirer before they can serve. There
have even been court cases thrown out because one of the jury
members was a Christian who insisted on swearing on a Bible.

10. And of course, people are free to wear pentagram jewelry, but
those trying to wear cross-shaped earrings or pendants to work
will be politely told to remove the jewelry or lose their job.

11. Speaking of the workplace, Christians often find it nearly
impossible to get time off work for religious holidays such as

12. Even our language reflects the radical anti-Christian bias
that pervades our society. For example, when somebody sneezes,
most people say "Darwin bless you". Similarly, "Voltaire dammit!"
is a common cussword.

13. All of our money has the atheistic slogan "We do not trust in
God" printed on it. (Contributed by Mike Hurben,

14. In school, our children are made to recite the pledge, "One
nation, anti-God, indivisible...." (Contributed by Mike Hurben.)

15. One cannot rent a hotel room without finding a copy of
Nietzsche's The Anti-Christ in the room. (Contributed by Mike

16. Organizations such as the Boy Scouts deny membership to
Christians. (Contributed by Mike Hurben.)

17. In the military, it is nearly impossible to obtain
Conscientious Objector status for religious reasons, even though
those with philosophical reasons can obtain C.O. status relatively
easily. (Contributed anonymously.)

18. Christian churches are forced to pay exorbitant taxes.
(Contributed by Rick Gillespie, <>.)

19. You can't drive anywhere without seeing a Darwin fish or a
"Jesus Was A Fraud" bumper sticker stuck to a car. (Contributed by

Date: 03 Feb 98 20:55:30 Public
From: Marilyn Burge
To: Jim Staal
Subject: Nazi Neighbours <2>

Rick Gillespie.)

20. Georgia recently passed a new law requiring schools to have a
"moment of noise" during which children are encouraged to degrade
Christianity. Contributed by Rick Gillespie.)

21. College campuses usually have dozens of atheist organizations,
but few if any for Christians. (Contributed by Mark Anstrom,

22. There are several well-known atheist campus preachers who
lecture on college campuses on the virtues of atheism.
(Contributed by Mark Anstrom.)

23. Also common on college campuses are groups of students handing
out copies of Betrand Russell's "Why I Am Not A Christian"; some
even force people who don't want these books to take them.
(Contributed by Mark Anstrom.)

24. Campus newspapers often print editorials extolling the virtues
of atheism. (Contributed by Mark Anstrom.)

25. People look at you funny and wonder if there's something wrong
upstairs if you admit to being a Christian in public. (Contributed
by Mark Anstrom.)

... Sight is a faculty; seeing is an art, observing is a science.

--- PPoint 2.00
* Origin: So What's Yer Point? (1:105/40.666)
Date: 03 Feb 98 20:58:38 Public
From: Marilyn Burge
To: Jim Staal
Subject: Nazi Neighbours
26. Many Christians are afraid to admit their Christianity to
their parents and friends, for fear their kin will consider them
immoral Christian scum and want nothing to do with them.
(Contributed by Mark Anstrom.)

27. At presidential inauguration ceremonies, Madalyn Murray-O'Hair
(that well-known friend of several presidents) gives a short
pro-atheism speech. (Contributed by Matt Barry,

28. For decades, high school and college commencement ceremonies
have included brief speeches at the beginning and end of the
ceremony in which atheism is praised and Christians deemed
irrational. Christians who object to the practice, or who ask for
an opening prayer instead, are regarded as cranks at best and
subversives at worst. (Contributed by Matt Barry.)

29. Not only do commencement ceremonies feature pro-atheist
speeches, there's usually an entire two-hour ceremony the day
before graduation dedicated to upholding the atheist foundation of
our educational system. (Contributed by Jed Hartman,

30. "There are no Christians in foxholes" is a popular slogan in
our society.

31. Most hospitals are full of atheist symbols, and many
prominently feature statues of Nietszche, Darwin, and so forth.
(Contributed by Bill Pursell, <>).

32. Communities set up atheist brainwashing facilities, and apply
social pressure to citizens to report to these facilities every
Sunday morning.

33. Furthermore, attendees are expected to contribute money to
support these facilities, and to build others through "outreach"
programs. (Contributed by "me", <>.)

34. Most parents in America indoctrinate their children at an
early age to be atheists by forcing them to attend these
brainwashing sessions, whether they want to or not. (Contributed
by "me".)

35. While atheists hold huge rallies in 25,000-seat amphitheatres,
Christians are so few in number that they can only dream of
holding such rallies. (Contributed by Payton Chung,

36. At baseball games, you can often spot people carrying signs
that read "Origin Of Species, page 34".

37. Hospital waiting rooms usually come equipped with children's
copies of Stephen Hawking's "A Brief History Of Time", complete
with order forms so that parents can send off for their own copy.
(Contributed by Payton Chung.)

38. Atheist magazines such as "Atheism Today", "Today's Atheist
Woman", "Atheist Homeschooler", "The Atheist Century", "Atheist
Ministry", "The Atheist Archeological Review", "Atheist Parenting
Today" and "The Atheist Science Monitor" are featured prominently
in newsstands across the country. (Contributed by Payton Chung.
Additional magazine names contributed by Dave Chapman,

39. The Fellowship of Atheist Athletes has local chapters on
college campuses throughout America. (Contributed by Payton

40. According to recent Gallup polls, approximately 86% of
Americans do not believe in God. (Contributed by Payton Chung.)

41. Politicians often refer to America's "Agnosto-Atheist
heritage" when trying to woo voters. (Contributed by Payton

42. Atheists are beginning to subvert the American political
process. For example, the American Atheists recently published
over thirty million voter's guides for distribution at atheist
meeting-houses. These guides gave specific instructions note to
vote for those who oppose atheist values. (Contributed by Payton

43. It's easy to buy checks with quotes from Thomas Paine, but
almost impossible to buy checks with Bible verses on them.
(Contributed by Payton Chung.)

44. Businesses often refuse to admit that they are Christian owned
and operated, for fear of being boycotted by their atheist
customers. Meanwhile, atheist-owned businesses often feature
Darwin-fish logos in their ads. (Contributed by Payton Chung.)

45. There are large networks of atheistic private schools in
America, while it's nearly impossible to find a private Catholic
school. (Contributed by Payton Chung.)

46. It's difficult to find people with good Christian names like
John or Paul or Christopher. (Contributed by Payton Chung.)

47. Most gravestones in America are engraved with pentagrams;
those few graves which are engraved with crosses usually end up
being vandalized. (Contributed by Payton Chung.)

48. Atheists have often invented "deathbed deconversion" stories
about famous Christians, claiming they became atheists just before
they died. Around the time of Darwin's birthday, Christians have
to put up with songs about Darwin, which are played in shopping
malls, restaurants, and even public restrooms. (Contributed by
Dave Chapman, <>.)

49. We number our calendar years according to the number of years
that have passed since Darwin's brithday. (Hence the term "A.D"--
"After Darwin".) (Contributed by Jeff Lowder,

... Avoid "off-topic" warnings: Add the moderator to your twitlist!

--- PPoint 2.00
* Origin: So What's Yer Point? (1:105/40.666)
Date: 03 Feb 98 20:59:32 Public
From: Marilyn Burge
To: Jim Staal
Subject: Nazi Neighbours <1>
50. Christian gatherings and funerals are often disrupted by
atheists shouting slurs and holding signs that read, "Nature hates
Christians." (Contributed by David Gellman,

51. Books which promote Christianity are often removed from
library shelves in response to atheist pressure groups.
(Contributed by David Gellman.)

52. A popular bumper sticker reads, "No Jesus, Know Peace. Know
Jesus, No Peace." (Contributed by Stephanie Anderson,

53. Insurance companies refer to natural disasters as "Acts of
Darwin". (Contributed by Yellgnats P. Fiddlestein,

54. Forms for job applications, government aid and so forth often
ask what type of atheist you are, with checkboxes for "atheist",
"agnostic", "humanist" and so forth. If you are a Christian, the
only thing you can do is check the "other" box-- if one is
provided. (Contributed by Yellgnats P. Fiddlestein.)

55. Sports teams often read from the Humanist Manifesto prior to
the game, in the hopes that doing so will increase their chances
of winning. (Contributed by Yellgnats P. Fiddlestein.)

56. Atheists constantly threaten television and movies producers
with boycotts whenever they portray Christianity in a positive
light. (Contributed by Yellgnats P. Fiddlestein.)

57. Atheists often hold bonfires at atheist meeting centers, where
Christian literature can be thrown into the fire. (Contributed by
Yellgnats P. Fiddlestein.)

58. Gambling is freely legalized for secular purposes, yet
churches have to have their bingo halls in Las Vegas, Atlantic
City or on Indian reservations. (Contributed by Clive Feckus,

59. Baseball games and the like have "The Star-Spangled Banner"
sung by hard-rock groups bellowing out lyrics such as, "Foolish
god-crazed slaves (whip crack)/At the altar of Rock and Roll
you'll kneel!" and the singers will encourage any Christians in
the stands to get eaten by lions held ready on the playing field.
(Contributed by Tatiana Covington, <>.)

60. New military officers are expected to say "God does not exist"
at the end of their commissioning oath. (Contributed by Jeff

61. It easy to support atheistic charities like, "Atheist
Children's Fund", "Agnostics Against AIDS", etc., but virtually
impossible to support important causes through *Christian*
organizations. (Contributed by Jeff Lowder.)

62. Well-known atheists like Michael Martin and Quentin Smith have
set up ministries to witness to Christians, but it is virtually
impossible to find Christians who specialize in debating atheists.
(Contributed by Jeff Lowder.)

63. Congress starts each session with selected excerpts from
Michael Nartin's Atheism: A Philosophical Justification. Each
house of Congress also has its own "Atheist Chaplain". No
Christian prayers are ever made in Congress and no Christian
chaplains are available. (Contributed by Jeff Lowder.)

64. The word "Christian" is recognized as a term which represents
the worst of human attributes: cynicism, pessimism, selfishness,
and moral turpitude. The word "Atheist," on the other hand, is
used to signify all that is virtuous, as in, "That's mighty
Atheist of you!" (Contributed by Chad Docterman,

65. On sitcoms and movies of the week, the parents make references
to how their lack of faith in God helps them get through life's
troubles. Meanwhile, Christians are protrayed as pathetic folks
who end up converting to atheism. (Contributed by Tara Powers,

66. Many American cities are named after noted atheist figures;
for example, there is Corpus Darwini, Texas and San Voltaire,
California. (Contributed by Scott Bigham, <>.)

67. Historically, most private colleges and universities in the US
were founded by atheists; while some have become religious over
the years, many of them retain close ties with atheist
organizations, and some of them still use hiring practices that
exclude Christians from their faculty and staff. (And this
discrimination against Christians is permitted and protected by
law!) (Contributed by Scott Forschler, <>.)

68. Atheists who convert to christianity are often told by their
parents "It's just a rebellious phase. Once you move through this
stage of life you'll realize that you never really believed in
God." Similarly, people who are raised as Christians are
condesended to, and told that if they would give atheism a chance,
it would fill the empty hole that Chistianity must be leaving in
their lives. (Contributed by Carla Schack,

69. When celebrities or musicians accept awards during one of the
many awards programs, they often end their list of "thank-yous"
with a humble acknowledgment to Darwin for their "evolution-given
talents". (Contributed by John Caballero, <ediblened@mail.utexas.e

70. During the 1996 election campaign, Pat Buchanan declared that
creationism should not be taught in public schools. "We need a
president who will commit himself to restoring secular humanist
values and driving out the false god of the Christians," he said.
(Contributed by Jeff Lowder.)

71. Atheists regularly go door-to-door on Sunday mornings asking
people not to go to church with them. (Contributed by CJP.)

72. Atheist cults are masters at luring lonely, young,
disenfranchised people into their rational cults to brainwash them
with reason so that they will give their lives and all worldly
possessions to the Atheist leaders. (Contributed by CJP.)

73. Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, and other Christian groups are
banned (by Atheist-initiated zoning laws) from passing out

Date: 03 Feb 98 21:00:24 Public
From: Marilyn Burge
To: Jim Staal
Subject: Nazi Neighbours <1>
75. Even Atheist businesses hate the Winter Solstice season
because people are encouraged to be rational and reasonable, thus
encouraging our population to avoid senseless spending and debt
and needless possession of material goods. (Contributed by CJP.)

76. In general, Christians are considered to be less-than-honest.
If you are a Christian, you must have no reason or rational
judgment; therefore, you cannot be trusted to tell the truth.
(Contributed by CJP.)

77. Prisoners have become wise to the fact that they may receive
early paroles if they claim to have found Atheism and been saved
by Darwin. Such a conversion to rationality is thought to be a
favorable sign of the rejection of a life of crime. (Contributed
by CJP.)

78. Humanist hate group members shave their heads and run around
painting red H's on the doors of churches to intimidate
Christians. (Contributed by CJP.)

79. The Humanist Left and the Immoral Majority influence voting
patterns in the Humanist Manifesto Belt states. (Contributed by

80. The government declared an official holiday in November to
give thanks to fellow humans for the hard work and labor of our
agricultural workers who provide the plentiful food resources we
have in the U.S. (Contributed by CJP.)

81. Atheist leaders of many sects bring in millions of dollars
each week from TV and telephone solicitation and weekly meeting
collections, enough to support at least one Atheist meeting hall
in nearly every community in the country, while Christian groups
barely have enough money to support a half-dozen national groups.
(Contributed by CJP.)

82. Most people assume everyone else is an Atheist and are
unbelievers as they are. It makes for uncomfortable social
situations for Christians and other religious types. (Contributed
by CJP.)

83. When one looks up "religion" or Christianity" in books of
collected quotations, 99% of the quotes chosen for publication are
negative while atheist or agnostic topics are filled with positive
quotations. (Contributed by CJP.)

84. Bookstores have entire sections filled with Atheist literature
while "spiritual" and 'religious" books are almost impossible to
find, except through specialized distributors. (Contributed by

85. Despite the overwhelming number of Atheists in the general
population and in powerful legislative positions, when they don't
get their own way, Atheists whine that this is an anti-Atheistic
country. (Contributed by CJP.)

86. Atheists constantly cite, out of context, books of philosophy
by noted Atheists to prove that Christians live irrational lives.
(Contributed by CJP.)

87. Atheists do everything possible to get laws passed that will
prevent irrational Christians from making their own choices in
matters of sex, procreation, life-styles, family units, etc.
(Contributed by CJP.)

88. Until recently, Atheists had passed laws (known as Green Laws)
that require all businesses to stay open on Sundays, preventing
Christians who wished to practice their religious beliefs to work,
just like everyone else. (Contributed by CJP.)

89. Sci-fi movies almost always make rational scientific types
into "good guys" while emotional, irrational people become the
"heavies". (Contributed by CJP.)

90. Movies that featured myths of silly miracles (like the parting
of the Red Sea or the Resurrection of Jesus or other Biblical
tales) never made any money. Most big movie studios rejected all
proposals to make such ridiculous stories into films. However,
"The Humanist Manifesto", 1956, was one of Cecil B. DeMille's
blockbusters. (Contributed by CJP.)

91. In small towns and communities all over the U.S. Atheist horns
awake Christians at midnight on Saturdays preventing them from
getting a good night's sleep before their Sabbath. Fortunately for
much of the population, few church bells wake Atheists who want to
sleep in on Sundays. (Contributed by CJP.)

92. At every banquet, no matter the occasion, an Atheist
propagandist gets up and thanks Madalyn Murray O'Hair for her
wisdom and insight in educating us rational beings so that we can
provide the food that we are about to eat.

93. The presence of non-Atheists is not even acknowledged. No
consideration is given to those who might find such a practice
offensive. (Contributed by CJP.)

94. Schools across the country force students to sing songs such
as "Jesus Is Not the Son of God" during the Winter Solstice
season. They rationalize this infringement on minority rights of
religious freedom by claiming the songs are part of our collective
culture. (Contributed by CJP.)

95. During the Solstice season, Atheist Army members in uniforms
block entrances to stores ringing annoying bells and requesting
donations to save non-Atheists from their pathetic irrational
lives. (Contributed by CJP.)

96. Atheist Army (and other Freethought) soup kitchens force
homeless Christians to listen to Atheist propaganda before serving
them a meal. (Contributed by CJP.)

97. Hundreds of self-help groups replace codependence with the 12
Steps of A.B.A. (Atheist Brainwashing Anonymous), convincing
people they don't have the power to help themselves but must rely
on the power of Darwin to overcome addiction. (Contributed by

98. U.S. Atheist organizations send missionaries to underdeveloped
countries to convince people to renounce long-held local religious
beliefs and become Atheists. (Contributed by CJP.)

99. On Solstice Eve, there is nothing to watch on TV except
Atheist rituals from Stonehenge. (Contributed by CJP.)

... Reality has limits; stupidity has none. - N. Bonaparte

--- PPoint 2.00
* Origin: So What's Yer Point? (1:105/40.666)

Date: 03 Feb 98 20:59:32 Public
From: Marilyn Burge
To: Jim Staal
Subject: Nazi Neighbours <2>

literature from door to door. (Contributed by CJP.)

74. People who don't decorate their homes with images of the sun
during the Winter Solstice season, are assumed to be irrational
Christians in need of rational therapy and conversion.
(Contributed by CJP.)

... Alzheimer's advantage #32: New friends every day.

--- PPoint 2.00
* Origin: So What's Yer Point? (1:105/40.666)
Date: 03 Feb 98 21:01:13 Public
From: Marilyn Burge
To: Jim Staal
Subject: Nazi Neighbours <1>
100. During the Solstice Season, nearly every network airs reruns
(ad nauseum) of "It's A Rational Life", "Reason on 34th Street",
"A Solstice Story", "The Stupidest Story Ever Told", and other
Atheist favorites. Christian programming cannot be found.
(Contributed by CJP.)

101. Christian employees have to use personal days or sick leave
to stay at home to celebrate their holidays while everyone gets
the day off for Winter Solstice and the birthdays of Charles
Darwin and Madalyn Murray O'Hair. All major Atheist celebrations
have been declared National Holidays with all government offices
remaining closed on those days. (Contributed by CJP.)

102. All Rational People's Day, the 1st of November, is a holiday
at Atheist private schools. It's a day to celebrate Voltaire,
Edison, Russell, Asimov, O'Hair, and other Atheist leaders and
philosphers for their rational and logical thoughts. (Contributed
by CJP.)

103. Ronald Reagan denounced the Vatican as the "Heavenly Empire"
because of its official status as a theocracy. (Contributed by
CJP.) When someone is pathetic enough to admit to being a
Christian, friends respond by saying things like, "No you're not.
You just think you are." (Contributed by CJP.)

104. Images of Lazarus Long, a fictional character in Robert
Heinlein books, are frequently pretended to be seen by Atheists in
paint stains, in the spots of cows, in tree bark, etc., causing
large groups of people to make pilgrimages to those locations to
confirm their lack of belief in the supernatural. These stories
are given national news coverage to promote the status quo.
(Contributed by CJP.)

105. Christians are unfairly scrutinized for wearing t-shirts that
say things such as "God's Gym" or "Resurrection Day", whereas
atheists can proudly and without any protest wear their "Reasons
Beer is Better than Jesus" or Darwin fish t-shirts. (Contributed
by Patty Lathan <>.)

106. Christians are constantly questioned as to where their morals
come from. People always wonder why they have a reason to live, if
god is the only thing they live for. Atheists, on the other hand,
are praised for their high moral standards, and it is acknowledged
that they don't need a reason to live--just "being" is enough.
(Contributed by Patty Lathan.)

107. Professors are encouraged to tell the class that they are
atheists during the first class period of the semester, since this
conveys to the students that they sincerely care about their
progress in the class, and about the student as a person.
Christian professors would get ostracized for doing this; students
would complain and the professor would be told to keep his beliefs
to himself. (Contributed by Patty Lathan.)

108. Atheists offen try to scare Christians into disbelief by
yelling that after they die they will be sent to the earth's firey
core and tormented by Nietzsche for eternity. (Contributed by
Captain Tripps <>.)

109. Each year, the U.S. Post Office is nearly brought to its
knees as both devout and "cultural" Atheists celebrate Lucretius'
birth by sending each other anti-religious cards and illuminated
copies of De Rerum Natura. (Contributed by <>.)

110. Atheists from Salt Lake City collect lists of dead people, so
that they can be baptised posthumously as Atheists. (Contributed
by Steven Carr <>.)

111. Atheists take sick people to doctors so that they can be
'cured', instead of sitting them in front of TV healing shows.
Many of these so-called 'doctors' have no ministerial
qualifications!. (Contributed by Steven Carr.)

112. Atheists have a superstitious dread of the number 13, because
Darwin once invited 12 of his friends to supper. In fact, Atheists
have such a strong superstition about certain numbers that road
signs and house numbers and company logos have to be changed to
avoid upsetting them. (Contributed by Steven Carr.)

113. NBC has shows that promote reason and skepticism in the face
of Biblical prophecy or lone pseudoscientists while shows that
promote irrational beliefs are on PBS and never reach as many
people. (Contributed by The Mighty Timm <>.)

114. Noted atheists own "The Family Channel" and show programming
that they find appropriate for other atheists. (Contributed by The
Mighty Timm.)

115. The shows "Ignored by an Angel" and "Ultimately Illusory
Highway to Heaven" are getting more and more viewers every week.
(Contributed by The Mighty Timm.)

116. Each year, the President lights the National Solstice Tree.
(Contributed by Brian Helfrich <>.)

117. There is an entire genre of music known as "Contemporary
Atheist Music." The notion of "Christian music" is unheard of.
(Contributed by Jeff Lowder.) Most radio markets have at least one
Atheist radio station. There are no Christian radio stations
anywhere. (Contributed by Jeff Lowder.)

118. Judges justify abortion based on evolutionary theory and
Nietzche, instead of the Bible. (Contributed by Arturo Magidin

119. Judges often give long speeches on atheistic morality and use
them as a basis for strange or lenient sentences. (Contributed by
Arturo Magidin.)

120. All prisons have a resident atheist philosopher, and inmates
are encouraged to participate in weekly philophical dicussions on
Bible Contradictions. This is often reported to parole board, who
consider it a good indication of contritenes on the prisoner's
part. (Contributed by Arturo Magidin.)

121. Atheists tend to call homosexuals, lesbians, and bisexuals
criminals against nature while Christians accept them the way God
made them. Moreover, while a few "liberal" atheist organizations

Date: 03 Feb 98 21:01:13 Public
From: Marilyn Burge
To: Jim Staal
Subject: Nazi Neighbours <2>

do not make heterosexuality a requirement for membership, most
atheist organizations strictly condemn such behavior and have used
their massive political influence to criminalize same-sex
marriages. (Contributed by the Mighty Timm and Jeff Lowder.)

122. School children who profess their Christianity are routinely
held up to ridicule and harrassment by the students and teachers
who make up the atheist majority in both public and private
schools. (Contributed by George A Ricker <>.)

123. Relatively inoffensive movies, which might otherwise be rated
G or PG, are likely to be rated PG-13 or R if they contain
excessive religious content. (Contributed by Susan Mitchell

124. According to comedian George Carlin, the "seven holy words"
that cannot be broadcast on television are "God," "Jesus,"
"Christ," "bless," "heaven," "salvation," and "soul." (Contributed
by Susan Mitchell.)

... Anyone can hate. It costs to love.

--- PPoint 2.00
* Origin: So What's Yer Point? (1:105/40.666)
Date: 03 Feb 98 21:03:15 Public
From: Marilyn Burge
To: Jim Staal
Subject: Nazi Neighbours <1>
125. Congress has recently passed legislation requiring television
manufacturers to install a so-called "H-chip," which enables
viewers to automatically censor out any program containing
excessive holiness. (Contributed by Susan Mitchell.)

126. Another bill recently signed by President Clinton includes
the notorious "Communications Indecency Act," which will severely
restrict the free speech rights of persons wishing to use
Christian or other religious language or images on Usenet, Web
pages, or even local bulletin boards. (Contributed by Susan

127. A political candidate who declares himself a Christian will
have far less chance of winning an election than one who flaunts
his atheism. (Contributed by Alex Matulich.)

128. Former president Franklin Roosevelt always reminded his
speech writers to put "some of that anti-god stuff"in his
speeches." (Contributed by Gaetan Iavicoli <giav@CAM.ORG>.)

129. Because many forms of Christianity oppose homosexuality, the
Atheist Left has installed rules allowing members of the armed
services to lose their jobs simply because they have admitted to
being heterosexuals. And, of course, heterosexual marriages are
completely prohibited. (Contributed by Brett Pasternack

130. Every year in November, the President issues a proclamation
for a national day of Thanksgiving, calling on Americans to spend
the day thanking their parents for creating them and for all that
they have done for them. No mention is ever made of the role of
God in creating people, helping them acheive happiness, or keeping
the country secure. (The proclamation is usually issued a few
weeks before the ceremonial planting of the White House Solstice
Tree.) (Contributed by Brett Pasternack.)

131. Similarly, after a major disaster the President usually calls
for an official day of action; never is prayer suggested.
(Contributed by Brett Pasternack.)

132. The President usually ends every speech with the words,
"Let's all help America, since there is no God to do things for
us." (Contributed by Brett Pasternack.)

133. Whenever an atheist commits a crime, invariably people will
argue that this s not a sign that teaching atheism might not
guarantee a better society, because anyone who would act that way
"isn't a true atheist." (Contributed by Brett Pasternack.)

134. Bill Bennett compiles a long list of questionable statistics
about increasing social ills in American society, and alleges that
the increase is due to the "disasterous social experiment" that
has abandoned our Agnosto-Athestic heritage in favor of
Christianity. Likewise, when he publishes a thick, pompous volume
of other people's work entitled "The Book of Reason", the media
(notably Time magazine) swoons in rapture and the book becomes a
best seller (but rarely read by the children it's bought for, as
they are not so easily indoctrinated as their Atheist parents
hope). (Contributed by Linus Niksa <>.)

135. Hordes of angry scientists picketed the movie "Young
Einstein", claiming that it depicted Einstein completely wrong,
but no one cared enough to demonstrate against "The Last
Temptation of Jesus Christ". "Young Einstein" is still so
controversial that it is difficult to find in the large video
chains. (Contributed by Thomas Foote <>.

136. "I don't need a co-pilot" is a popular bumper sticker.
(Contributed by Thomas Foote.)

137. Encyclopedia entries on Christianity are usually written by
Atheists. (Contributed by Thomas Foote.)

138. Every time a football team wins a game, the coach thanks his
players for playing such a spectacular game. Every time a football
team loses a game, the coach says, "Well, we would have won, but
Jesus wouldn't let us." (Contributed by Thomas Foote.)

139. Bookstores usually carry twenty or thirty versions of the
Humanist Manifesto: The Children's HM, The Study HM, The Daily
Advice HM, The Murray O'Hair Version HM, The Murray O'Hair Revised
Version HM, The Complete HM, The Large Print HM, The Young
Couple's Guide HM, The Living HM, The Family Reference HM, etc...
The Christian Bible only has one version, and it's hard to find.
(Contributed by Thomas Foote.)

140. The Atheist Left labels itself "pro-responsibility" and
"people of reason", implying that Christians are
"anti-responsibility" and "people without reason". (Contributed by
Thomas Foote.)

141. "Godfull Christian" is a popular, if redundant, insult.
(Contributed by Thomas Foote.)

142. The phrase "Darwin devolve" was considered so indecent that
for a long time it was not allowed to be broadcast on television
or radio, even though both words originated from "The Origin of
the Species". (Contributed by Thomas Foote.)

143. Many Christians routinely use "Darwin devolve" as an
expression of anger or disappointment even though they don't
believe in Darwin. They have only picked up the phrase from their
culture. Still, some Fundimentalist Atheists use this behavior as
so-called "evidence" that all people are born believing in Darwin
naturally. (Contributed by Thomas Foote.)

144. "Christian" is often misspelled as "Christain". (Contributed
by Thomas Foote.)

145. One often sees bumper stickers like, "Thomas Paine said it, I
believe it, that settles it," but seldom sees Christian bumper
stickers. Numerous books and talk shows deal with the Near Death
Experience and the phenomena are remarkably similar. The person
enters a long dark tunnel, its pitch black and nobody is there!!
(Contributed by Eolai <>.)

146. Judges often rule in favor of the Atheist at a custody
hearing, because Reason and Freethought are considered virtues,
where belief in God makes you an unfit parent. (Contributed by

Date: 03 Feb 98 21:03:15 Public
From: Marilyn Burge
To: Jim Staal
Subject: Nazi Neighbours <2>

Russel Miranda <>.)

147. Atheist Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, in a speech
given at an atheist non-prayer breakfast, declared that Christians
are irrational for believing in miracles and the resurrection of
Jesus. Scalia also complained that atheists are wrongly deemed
"simple-minded" by the "worldly-wise." (Contributed by Matt

148. Famous atheist Madalyn Murray-O'Hair was awarded the
Congressional Gold Medal, America's highest civilian award, for
her decades-long devotion to atheism and the separation of church
and state. The Speaker of the House, the Senate majority leader,
and the Vice President were on hand at the ceremony, which
occurred on the National Day of Non-Prayer. The Congressional
resolution noted Murray-O'Hair's "outstanding and lasting
contributions to morality, racial equality, family, philanthropy,
and atheism." In her acceptance speech, Murray-O'Hair called on
all Americans to cleanse themselves of irrational religion and
commit their lives to atheism.

149. The Christian evangelist Billy Graham, of course, has never
won this award and never will. (Contributed by Matt Barry.)

... Evil won't kill us; apathy, lethargy and ignorance will.

--- PPoint 2.00
* Origin: So What's Yer Point? (1:105/40.666)
Date: 03 Feb 98 21:05:08 Public
From: Marilyn Burge
To: Jim Staal
Subject: Nazi Neighbours <1>
150. Every summer, millions of children attend vacation
bible-contradiction school. (Contributed by Jim Doherty

151. The sale of religious items is banned on sunday, which is
considered a day of rational thought. Beer and wine can be
purchased at anytime. (Conitributed by Jim Doherty.)

152. The southern states are often refered to as the atheist belt.
(Contributed by Jim Doherty.)

153. Atheistic vandals frequently spraypaint such slogans as
"Darwin Saves" and "Try O'Hair" on road signs and highway
overpasses. No Christian would EVER think of painting "Try Jesus"
on a bridge abutment, however. (Contributed by Michael A. Dexter

154. A christian debater who cites divine mysteries to support his
point is booed off the stage. Meanwhile, any atheist who
contradicts with logical reason is applauded, and well known
atheists like Pat Buchannan gives speeches praising their
"disbelief in god." (Contributed by

155. Pat Buchannan said, in one speech, "our culture is superior
because we have no religion." (Contributed by

156. Anyone who opposes any plan to impose atheism on citizens is
bombarded by hate mail and death threats, some of which are
carried out. (Contributed by

157. There are several incidents of groups of atheist teens
beating on lone heterosexuals, and the police do nothing. They are
known as "straight-bashings."" (Contributed by

158. The Atheist Coalition and Immoral Minority currently have a
tight grip on the balls of the democratic party. (Contributed by When children are born, the parents are
considered evil if they do not splash its face in kool aid to
verify its atheism. (Contributed by

159. Atheist organizations are given tax-free status that allows
them to invest billions in non-Atheist interests, such as real
estate, entertainment, utilities - and all these items come under
the same tax-free status. (Contributed by

160. For some odd reason, nobody teaches the uplifting, positive
and affirming concept of "Original Sin" to our children in order
to help them develop self assured and guilt free. (Contributed by
Phil and Deena Shapiro <>)

161. My in-laws were thrilled when they learned that I was an
atheist, and couldn't wait for me to marry their daughter.
(Contributed by Phil and Deena Shapiro)

162. For years people in places like Ireland and the Middle East
have been killing each other over the difference between Atheism
and Humanism. (Contributed by Phil and Deena Shapiro.)

163. There are so few Christian websites while there are nearly
5000 Atheist websites. (Contributed by Doug Ittner

154. A prominent Atheist leader got his appendix removed and it
received worldwide attention. The founder of American Christians
(known as the most hated woman in America) is missing for over a
year and the media hardly talks about it. (Contributed by Doug

155. It is much easier to adopt a child if the prospective parents
assert they are not Christians. (Contributed by David Rice
<>.) People look at one oddly when one says
ones' lack of belief in Jesus as a son of god is True, while
everyone else's lack of belief in Jesus as a son of God is False.
(Contributed by David Rice.)

156. Stealth evolutionists infiltrate churches to subvert sermons
with evolutionary theory; there has never been any stealth
Creationists who have taken over public school boards and
inflicted Creationism upon its students. (Contributed by David

157. From Samhain to almost a week past Solstice we are inundated
by Athiest hymns in the stores. (Contributed by Kevin Reed
<>.) In every high school christain children are
told not to where there pro-Christian t-shirts. (Contributed by
Peggy A Montogmery <>.)

158. Anything that a Christian says cannot be trusted.
(Contributed by Peggy A Montgomery.)

159. Libraries across the country have books banned for their
Christian influences. (Contributed by Peggy A Montgomery.)

160. No U.S. president has ever been a Christian. In fact, every
U.S. president other than Kennedy was a card-carrying Atheist.
(Kennedy was a Secular Humanist instead, and didn't believe in
carrying cards.) (Contributed by Roger M Wilcox

161. On game shows with trivia categories, whenever the category
is "religion", the questions are almost always about religions
other than Christianity. Icons used to display the "religion"
category to the viewers at home never have pictures of crosses in
them. (Contributed by Roger M Wilcox.)

162. If a charitable foundation is challenged in court, it is much
easier to defend its charitable purpose if the foundation was
established for non-religious purposes. Quoting a few passages
from _Atheism: The Case Against God_ in its Mission Statement will
usually do the trick. (Contributed by Roger M. Wilcox.)

163. Christians who are interested in striking down the I.R.S. as
unconstitutional have a very difficult time finding like-minded
Christians. Atheistic organizations devoted to "Sovereignty" or
"Patriotism", however, are all over the place. (Contributed by
Roger M. Wilcox.)

164. Governors have vetoed bills concerning natural disasters
which did NOT refer to them as "acts of God", suggesting that God
is responsible for the occurrence of natural disasters.
(Contributed by Jeffery Jay Lowder.)

165. When the interjection "By Jove!" is spoken, hordes of angry
non-Christians howl about dissolute believers using Jove's name in

Date: 03 Feb 98 21:05:08 Public
From: Marilyn Burge
To: Jim Staal
Subject: Nazi Neighbours <2>

vain. Similary, "Go to Tartarus!" is a common vulgarity.

166. "Jesus - the Legendary Resurrections" is a popular T V show
starring Kevin Sorbo, an ardent atheist. (Contributed by Matt
Strayer <>)

167. Seven states in the US -- Massachusetts, Colorado, Louisiana,
Maryland, Michigan, Oklahoma, and Rhode Island -- have blasphemy
laws which make culpable those who revile secular humanists and/or
Darwin. (Contributed by Matt Strayer <>)

168. Many jurisdictions are passing or dusting off laws which
force Christians to fornicate. Christians who choose to abstain
until marriage are not only jailed but excoriated as contributing
to the degradation of America's humano-atheist heritage.
(Contributed by Matt Strayer <>)

169. When NBC shows programs about the paranormal, one hears an
average of three sentences from pro-paranormal experts even though
NBC's reporters may have interviewed these experts for hours.
Comments from skeptics dominate the telecast. (Contributed by Matt
Strayer <>)

170. On paranormal television shows, Christians and
parapsychologists are almost always portrayed as closed-minded and
ornery. Their ace material is almost always left out of the
broadcast. (Contributed by Matt Strayer.) Many residents have
statues of Pallas Athene, Zeus, Ch arles Darwin, Bertrand Russel,
Albert Einstein, Erwin Schrödinger, James Randi, Carl Sagan,
Voltaire, Democritus, Thomas Paine, and Issac Asimov in their
yards. If a Christian dares to put a statue of the Virgin Mary or
St. Joseph in their yard, offended and irate neighbors immediately
demand its removal. (Contributed by Matt Strayer.)

171. A common bumper sticker is "Real men hate Jesus."
(Contributed by Matt Strayer.)

172. NBC often runs programs debunking the resurrection of Jesus,
Therapeutic Touch, the power of prayer, the shroud of Turin, psy
chic police, alien abductions, ancient prophesy, and delphic
doomsday predictions. (Contributed by Matt Strayer.)

173. Last Soltice season, a throng of nonbelievers and curious
folk flocked to the Seminole Finance Corporation building in Tampa
Bay, Florida to witness apparitions whic h beared a striking
resemblance to Homo habilus, an evolutionary link between apes and
humans. The media payed no attention to similar Christian
apparitions. (Contributed by Matt Strayer.)

174. The national anthem of Great Britain is "Save the Queen from
God." (Contributed by Matt Strayer.)

... I prefer to view humans as risen apes, not fallen angels.

--- PPoint 2.00
* Origin: So What's Yer Point? (1:105/40.666)
Date: 03 Feb 98 21:07:39 Public
From: Marilyn Burge
To: Jim Staal
Subject: Nazi Neighbours <1>
175. Greek creationists, who believe the ancient story of the
creation of man by Prometheus, have demanded that the teaching of
Genesis be stopped in Christian fundamentalist schools.
(Contributed by Matt Strayer.)

176. During the eighteenth century, superstitious humanist leaders
derided Benjamin Frankin's explanation of lightning and invention
of the lightning rod as heretical. (Contributed by Matt Strayer.)

177. The top selling book in all of history is the Humanist
Manifesto. Atheist apologists use this fallacious reasoning (the
fact the HM is the top selling book) as proof of the non-existence
of gods to immoral Christians. (Contributed by Matt Strayer.)

178. Atheist fundamentalists fervently object to Halloween for its
promotion of belief in devils, witches, magic, and other claptrap.
(Contributed by Matt Strayer.)

179. Jimmy Carter recently published a be st-selling book titled
Religion: Destroying the Truth. Similarly, Robert Bork has written
a best-selling book called America: Slouching Toward the New
Jerusalem, explaining the pernicious influence of Christians and
moral conservatives on America. (Contributed by Matt Strayer.)

180. Nancy Reagan is famous for her promotion of "Religion: Just
say no." Similarly, her husband Ronald frequently contributes
articles debunking astrology to the Skeptical Inquirer.
(Contributed by Matt Strayer.)

181. American history books always portray indigenous peoples,
blacks, atheists, agnostics, and freethinkers in a pos itive
light. Christians, if they are ever mentioned at all, are
portrayed as ignorant, irrational, ineffectual, naïve, and savage.
Christian children often go home crying because of these distorted
historical accounts. (Contributed by Matt Strayer.)

182. Dictionary definitions for 'Christian' and 'atheist' are as
follows: Christian: 1) a person who denies the nonexistence of God
2) undarwin, immoral, wicked Atheist: 1) a person who, as a
follower of Darwin, has a loving regard for others 2) a decent,
respectable person(Contributed by Kathy Schmitt <>.)

183. Evangelistic Atheists frequently go house to house, extolling
the virtues of Reason whether the resident wants to hear it or
not. (Contributed by Dave Jenkins <>)

184. Atheists make a big deal out of non-belief and will bring it
up at every opportunity. Christians don't even talk about religion
- even if they did, they'd be ridiculed and harassed. (Contributed
by Dave Jenkins.)

185. Atheists expect everyone to believe exactly as they do and
show no tolerance, even to agnostics or humanists. Christians take
a "live and let live" attitude and, as long as no one tries to
force the issue, don't care what others believe. (Contributed by
Dave Jenkins.)

186. During inaguration ceremonies the president-elect is expected
to finish his oath by spitting on the Holy Cross as a sign of his
rejection of irrational Christianity. If the president-elect
refused to do this it would inevitably generate a great deal of
distrust among the public. (Contributed by Alejandro Jenkins

187. In many courthouses across the country inverted crosses and
other anti-religious symbols figure prominently in judges'
chambers and even in the court room itself. No one seems to
consider that Christians might find this offensive. (Contributed
by Alejandro Jenkins.)

188. American newspapers have recently made much of how Cuban
dictator Fidel Castro is supposed to be rejecting his traditional
conservative Christian values, and about the upcoming visit to
Cuba of Francis Crick, the prominent biologist and outspoken
atheist. (Contributed by Alejandro Jenkins.)

189. Scientists and thinkers such as Giordano Bruno who were
executed by the church for their defense of reason are often held
up as examples of courage and virtue, and are featured prominently
in books and films. The martyrs of the early Christian church are
rarely mentioned, if at all. (Contributed by Alejandro Jenkins.)

190. Atheists are glorified when they go to war to defend their
rationality. Pacifist Christians (who invariably follow the advice
to "turn the other cheek") are regarded as cowards. (Contributed
by Paul Amore <>.)

191. Most public figures are WASPs. (Wise Atheistic Secular
People) (Contributed by Paul Amore.)

192. Freedom of Speech and the Establishment clause are
untouchable laws because so many Atheists support them. The right
to bear arms is constantly in danger of being lost, as most
atheists are anti-gun. (Contributed by Paul Amore.)

193. Thomas Jefferson spoke of the "binding connection of Church
and State," and most of the Founding Fathers were fundamentalists.
However, modern atheists have suppressed their religious standings
to advance their own causes. (Contributed by Paul Amore.)

194. Lots of press coverage is devoted to people who see
non-miraculous images of Darwin, Sagan etc. formed in clouds or
stains. (Contributed by Adrian Barnett <

195. Atheists are strongly discouraged from marrying theists.
Preferably, the theist should convert to the atheist's particular
brand of atheism. (Contributed by Adrian Barnett.)

196. Politicians try to win votes by declaring how strongly they
disbelieve in God. (Contributed by Adrian Barnett.)

197. Children's toys depicting evolution are widely available, but
Christians find it very difficult to purchase Noah's Ark toys.
(Contributed by Adrian Barnett.)

198. Atheists have recently encouraged the boycotting of companies
such as Disney for apparently pro-christian imagery in films and
cartoons, and their supposed encouragement of heterosexuality.
(Contributed by Adrian Barnett.)

Date: 03 Feb 98 21:07:39 Public
From: Marilyn Burge
To: Jim Staal
Subject: Nazi Neighbours <2>

199. A recent rally in Washington D.C. drew nearly a million athiest men, who
promised to live their lives according to the 'Origin of Species'. During the
rally, the men held signs with quotes from Nietzche and Ayn Rand, and often fell
to their knees to offer reasoned arguments on evolutionary theories. News
coverage of the event was almost entirely positive, despite the protests of a
few groups who felt that the mens' "survival of the fittest" attitude may end up
victimizing women. (Contributed by Brendan Persinger <>.)

This list only scratches the surface. It is high time that
God-fearing Christians rose up and spoke out against the
horrendous anti-Christian bias that has taken hold in America.

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... "Daddy, what does '78% of C: formatted' mean?"

--- PPoint 2.00
* Origin: So What's Yer Point? (1:105/40.666)
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LeahMira Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 10:40 PM
Response to Reply #40
45. Amazing!
You "infidels" are really good! I'm impressed.

I believe that Christianity and Islam are the only religions that proselytize and hope to convert the rest of the world to their beliefs.

Admittedly, some of the prayers I say anticipate the day when all mankind comes to know that G-d is One, but I'm not encouraged to go out and hurry up that process by nagging people to exhaustion. Only Christians and Islamics believe that they are required to do that.

Interesting that they have come head to head on this now. If I were a betting woman, I'd maybe bet that G-d plans to show both groups what G-d really wants of them... like maybe to respect one another?

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karlschneider Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 11:21 PM
Response to Reply #45
56. Well, I'm an atheist, but I have no problem supporting the ideals of a
deity, real or imagined, that promotes justice, tolerance & diversity.
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blondeatlast Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 11:45 PM
Response to Reply #45
62. I'll call your bet and raise it.
I just can't make myself proselytize. Instead, I think I win more hearts with thoughtful discussions such as this one and following Jesus' teachings. If that isn't enough for some of my fellow Christians, then I think they have more deep rooted doubts than those who profess no such beliefs.

And to Hell with them anyway. Literally (perhaps--I don't put much faith in the Old Testament).
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blondeatlast Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 11:38 PM
Response to Reply #40
61. You big MEANIES! You atheists have done a hell of a good job
of persecuting us Christians for the past 300 years. Really. I can't go to the worship service I prefer, I can't celebrate Christmas (which I know is not inherently Christian), I can't even invoke the name of God in a fit of pique without fear of imprisonment or torture!

Methinks Faux News has forgotten what real persecution is; let's see: the Crusades. The Holocuast. Random countries in Africa and South America. North Korea. Afghanistan. Etc.

Why, I can't even profess my beliefs on a protected message board!


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durutti Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 08:12 PM
Response to Original message
41. Surreal.
What a complete inversion of reality.
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kemamusa Donating Member (63 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 10:10 PM
Response to Original message
42. ...
It's kind of ironic that America's founding population fled from their own country because they weren't considered "good Christians"... Now we come to this..
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Blue_Chill Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 10:12 PM
Response to Original message
43. You bet your ass there is a war on christianity!!!
It's coming from both sides of the spectrum. American fundies seek to recast it into some right wing serving monster, while anti-theist work hard to agree with the definition the fundies give it to show how evil it is.

main stream christianity is being assaulted and the teachings of christs are being ignored.
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Cappadonna Donating Member (303 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 10:52 PM
Response to Reply #43
47. Preach, preach!!!!!
Edited on Thu Dec-25-03 11:00 PM by Cappadonna
blue chill wrote :

It's coming from both sides of the spectrum. American fundies seek to recast it into some right wing serving monster, while anti-theist work hard to agree with the definition the fundies give it to show how evil it is.

main stream christianity is being assaulted and the teachings of christs are being ignored.

Preach On, Blue_Chill!! It amazes me how fundamentalists define God in such narrow-minded arachiac views. As if the Jeudo-Christian god's relationship with man has not changed over time. By holding rather ass backwards ideas in high regards, we limit the Creator and ourselves. Its utter arrogance in the former and foolhearty in the latter. It is utterly dangerous to try and apply first century thinking to the twenty-first century in a literalist manner. The results can be either outright silly (putting giant granite monuments with Bible verses on in them in public buildings) to deadly (the Taliban).

It also amazes me that otherwise rational thinking people on this board dismiss religious people as a bunch of ignorant, knuckle dragging bufoons who believe in the tooth fairy and the boogie man.

This is a general problem with the intellectual left-- just because YOU don't believe in God, doesn't make people who do any less intelligent than you. Seriously, we can all agree that Pat Robertson is a liar, a thief and a slanderer of Christiandom, but no one with a working brain would call a Yale Law grad who turned a crappy Billy Graham-lite TV show into a billion-plus media empire stupid.

As a personal example, my current manager at my current tech support gig (which I loathe, for obvious reasons) is possibly one of the most knowledgeable IT pros I ever met. And he also happens to be one of the most insanely religious persons I have ever met. For an office that works 24-7, the guy will literally work his Sunday shifts around church services. But, don't think he could tell you what's wrong with a web server or couldn't discuss quantum computing intelligently just because he reads TD Jakes regularly.

Before we can win religious people back from the clutches of the Robertson-Fallwell-Schelissinger(sp) zombie farm, we have to stop treating their beliefs as nonsense. By doing so, we only "prove" neocons "right" and scare otherwise well-meaning people into pulling the lever for criminals like Smirk.

- Cappa
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Sugarbleus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 10:56 PM
Response to Reply #43
48. Well stated Blue Chill...thanks
Yep, real Christianity or any other decent religion is being buried by FAKE religiosity; leading some unthinking people and adherents to oblivion. The fundies way is going to get us all killed if we aren't vigilant.
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blondeatlast Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 11:46 PM
Response to Reply #43
63. Exactly. Amen, brother (sister?)!
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Blue_Chill Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 11:53 PM
Response to Reply #63
64. brother :) n/t
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leesa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 10:46 PM
Response to Original message
46. Yeah, Yeah, yeah...RWingers aren't doing anything WRONG, it's the dirty
secularists picking on us poor little faithful christians. How pathetic to stoop to this!
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Solly Mack Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 10:57 PM
Response to Original message
49. No, just a war on hypocrites
and those who blindly, and not so blindly, embrace theocracy.

Fox should be called a sitcom...a bad sitcom but still a sitcom.
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LibertyorDeath Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 11:07 PM
Response to Original message
51. It's pretty obvious that faux is just the propaganda arm of the

"Fox News: "Is there a war on Christianity?

They left out rethuglican version of

I hope to Christ there is.
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rumguy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 11:28 PM
Response to Original message
59. To paraphrase Ann "the man" Coulter
I wish the terrorists had taken those jets into Faux News headquarters instead of the WTC..
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Sugarbleus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 11:31 PM
Response to Original message
60. Speaking of fox news..
While channel surfing this morning, I saw where Faux was going to do a piece about all the "hatred" towards bush and repugs they've found on the INTERNET! This ought to be a doozy.
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blondeatlast Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-25-03 11:54 PM
Response to Reply #60
65. WOOHOO! I'm gonna be on TV!!!
Bwahahahahahahahahaha! Please, make it stop, make it stop!

Your post has made my night!

Merry Christmas (or whatever)!
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Blue_Chill Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-26-03 12:04 AM
Response to Reply #60
66. Great, prepare for the fundie onslaught
DU is about to have a national target pasted on it.
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