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Bush in 30 Seconds contest makes it into my local paper

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KG Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-26-03 06:28 PM
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Bush in 30 Seconds contest makes it into my local paper

Political ads go pop invites average Americans to express their (unfavorable) sentiments about the Bush administration in a TV ad of their own creation.
By COLETTE BANCROFT, Times Staff Writer
Published December 26, 2003

Whatever their politics, most Americans agree on one thing: Political ads are too slick and too expensive.

Untold millions of the dollars raised for next year's presidential campaign will gush into the coffers of advertising agencies and consultants. Candidates of every party say ads, especially television ads, are a necessary evil, the only way to get their messages to a nation of blink-length attention spans.

How much does it cost to create a half-minute TV ad? If it's part of Bush in 30 Seconds, not a penny.

Bush in 30 Seconds is an online competition, open to anyone, to create "the ad that best explains what this President and his policies are really about."

Because Bush in 30 Seconds is a project of, these aren't "Re-elect President Bush" ads. MoveOn says it is nonpartisan, but nobody would mistake it for the GOP's public relations firm.

One ad posted at the site ( shows a man listening to TV news about $87-billion to provide education and health care in postwar Iraq. He raises an eyebrow at the camera and says, "Maybe we can get him to invade here."


way to go!

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Must_B_Free Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-26-03 06:34 PM
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1. my wife and I love viewing the ads,
I wish we could see more than 20 a day...
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