Edited on Sat Dec-27-03 02:24 AM by TruthIsAll
Let me tell you about a friend of mine. John has been out of work for over a year and has filed for bankruptcy, yet CNBC says the economy is in a Bush recovery. He can’t bear to watch TV anymore, the news is so bad. John voted for Bush in the last election, because he believed compassionate conservatism would bring a new moral tone. In 2002, he saw his vote for McBride morph into a Bush vote right before his eyes. John went down to Miami to the Globalization protest and was pushed to the ground by the police, injuring his back. He went to the mall wearing a I HATE BUSH tee shirt and was forced to spend a night in prison. The other day he got word that his high school buddy Phil committed suicide in Iraq. His mother cannot afford the increase in drug costs. She has been scared out of her wits time and time again by those Orange Terror Alerts. John has no health insurance. He usually spent his days at the local pizza parlor, but no longer, now that it has now gone out of business, as have many other small businesses in his town. His bank is threatening foreclosure; he is ready to go Chapter 11. John went fishing the other day and caught several badly deformed fish. He didn’t know about the pollution. His best friend is a Muslim, who was abducted by some men in black a few weeks back and has not been heard from since. John had a tire blowout the other day, driving on a road which has been under construction for two years now. Seems the state has run out of money. John spends his time at the beach, waiting to hear from job search firms.
The only time he received any publicity was when CNN interviewed him after the shark attack. He considers himself very lucky...