Isn’t it great. First, the Ownership Society I posted about the other night, and now this. Combine it with the drug plan for seniors, and you have three major legislative agendas that will garner him more votes, yet when the dust settles, it will only put money in his friend’s pockets. The American people will get the shaft in the end (no pun). This bunch in Washington has the game down to a science. The neocons have pulled a coup de theatre (a fancy term I probably butchered) like no other group of Washington politicians in decades.
These immigrants will be used to drive down wages even further, guaranteeing even greater profits for the wealthy Bush Cabal. These workers will be good little slaves who would not dare join or even think of forming a union. The race to the bottom is gaining speed.
I wonder how many of these immigrants will slip through the limitations of the H1 visa program? How many of these workers will be declared “management” and thus forced to work an extra 20 hours a week without overtime? They won’t complain. $300.00 a week in the US is better than $50.00 a week in India or $75.00 a week in Mexico.
Rush “The Dope Addict” Limbaugh will come out in praise of this new agenda, along with the usual suspects on Fox News. If you’re against it, the racists will start labeling YOU a racist and other “ist” like “Protectionist”, “Isolationist”, and such. The Democrats will be scared shitless to oppose the legislation and enough will turn into little sheep dogs and vote for the the damn thing so that it passes.
Bush steals a few senior votes while giving his drug donors billions and doing nothing for seniors but costing them money. Bush steals a few middle class votes with his tax plans that benefits the rich. Bush steals a few Hispanic votes with this new immigration agenda, while making his rich donors richer and placating the middle class workers worried about illegal immigration. By 2006 the truth will eventually come out, but by then it will be too late. If I’m wrong, let me know.