For the most part, the marines at the time, whether infantry grunts or allegedly smarter (they usually scored higher on the tests - qualifying them for the air wing), were made up of rather insecure adolescents in search of "manhood". They were generally products of lower or lower middle class families facing the draft with little prospect of decent employment or higher education. BTW - I include myself in this generality. They were easy prey to the military mentality of machoism, a sort of primitive patriotism, and groupthink. Inhibitions that prevent violence were overridden by the use of fear of punishment or humiliation. There was constant pressure to conform to standards that most people would find repulsive. Blind obedience was the goal that would allow a normal person to commit heinous acts in the name of discipline or "teamwork". People were de-humanized as "enemies", "communists", "gooks", "slants", "slopes", or the most de-humanized of all, "targets". Compassion, pity, mercy, sympathy, were derided as "weakness".
Some of the best men I ever met were in the marines. Also, some of the worst. Most bought into the brainwashing, some didn't. Some questioned the whole concept of becoming killers of unknown people for unknown reasons dreamt up by unknown politicians, most didn't.
For the most part they weren't "bad" people. They were victims of a system that said that killing was acceptable because it fell under the vague notion of "patriotism" or "defending your country".
Personally, I resented the hell out of being reduced to a mindless, conscienceless, dehumanized machine, that would kill on command. Which is exactly what soldiers throughout history have been expected to do.
It's not the individual soldiers that I'm against, or hold in contempt, but the system that produces and glorifies them as something that they aren't. I've worked with a lot of Vietnam Vets as a counselor. Boys, who were coerced into doing terrible things, who became very troubled men as a result.
Face it. We were cannon-fodder used to protect "vital American interests". Oil, money, corporations, and cynical politicians who were willing to send us to kill and die for their own gain. We were tools to be used at their whim.
Perhaps you can convince yourself that Bush, Rumsfeld, and the rest of the smarmy crew really give a damn when they get tears in their eyes and look constipated, and talk about "sacrifice" and "our troops" and the "nobility of service" and "giving their all for their country" and how "painful and difficult" it is to send them into harms way. All I see is a bunch of scared adolescents being sent to do and experience horrendous things so that the rich and powerful can retain their power and wealth.
When I see "our heroes" smilingly cheering turkeyboy what I see are victims of a system that doesn't give a rip about them. Some of whom may well be maimed or corpses all too soon.