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Photos from the 1970's.....will you consider STANDING UP today?

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diamond14 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-27-03 09:33 PM
Original message
Photos from the 1970's.....will you consider STANDING UP today?
special thanks to Vietnam Veterans against the war....these photos should finally put to rest the rumors spread by reTHUGS about protestors 'spitting' on OUR these photos, OUR Veterans JOINED the anti-war people...and the anti-war people STOOD UP and demanded decent jobs and medical for OUR Veterans...we are doing the very same today (except for the majority of YOUNG people who still lack in STANDING UP, marching, protesting, standing on statues, and taking over offices)...brave American Patriots....honor them....and JOIN the effort....

Photos from the 1970's....

Washington DC...demanding Veteran's benefits....

Cincinatti...demanding jobs for Veterans ....

ex-POW'S and Active Duty GI's join anti-war protestors

Chicago...demanding benefits for OUR Veterans, take-over at Veteran's Administration (VA) offices...YOUNG people 'standing up' for OUR Veterans...

San Diego...demanding jobs for OUR Veterans...

Detroit...demanding better medical care for OUR Veterans...

second take-over of the Statue of Liberty (those were the days when YOUNG people bravely "stood up")

and the same themes continue...FIGHT THE RICH, NOT THEIR WARS....if the YOUNG people today would simply join us older folks in this effort today....they could stop the war and the draft quickly....

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MrSoundAndVision Donating Member (879 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-27-03 09:46 PM
Response to Original message
1. Sir
Edited on Sat Dec-27-03 09:48 PM by MrSoundAndVision
As a young person who is completely against this war driven by the financial elite in this country, let me say that it's not that today's youth are not brave, they are brave, it's not that today's youth do not posess the clarity of vision to see what is going on in our country, we see, it's that the enemy has changed: we have to deal with a media that will not cover our efforts, the police have new technology with which to deter protest, and we are not yet identified as a contemporary social movement.

So the media does not report on our efforts, that doesn't mean they don't exist. And just because the mainstream media didn't report anything substantive about the FTAA protests doesn't mean that it wasn't an incredible day of dissent in this country's history.

And let me note that the protest movement of the 60's and early 70's appears, to me, to have failed. The war didn't end until 1975.

So you want to fight the rich establishment, join us at

The revolution will not be televised!
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diamond14 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-27-03 10:37 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. "the police have new technology with which to deter protest"????
Edited on Sat Dec-27-03 10:42 PM by amen1234

lame excuse for couch's some OLD technology used against pro-peace students at Kent State University (May 4, 1970) and 4 other colleges... and it still didn't stop them from STANDING fact, the KILLINGS fueled even more protests from brave YOUNG American Patriots...

YOU would be fighting the war in Vietnam right now, if WE hadn't stopped it....and not only stop it, YOUNG reporters exposed the Mai Lai massacre and got nixon out of office too....and where are brave YOUNG reporters today???? too worried about their images???? waiting, and excusing their laziness because...."we are not yet identified as a contemporary social movement".....

If not YOU, who? IF not now, when?

brave American Patriots STANDING UP
May 4, 1970....

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