Here is a list of articles that shed some light on the subject of
Peak Oil.George Monbiot: The world is running out of oil - so why do politicians refuse to talk about it?
Charles Arthur: World oil and gas supplies are heading for a "production crunch" sometime between 2010 and 2020 when they cannot meet supply, because global reserves are 80 per cent smaller than had been thought, new forecasts suggest.
Stephen James Kerr: Global oil production would peak in the first decade of the 21st century and decline forever thereafter. There is no adequate substitute for oil energy. The peaking of production means the further growth of energy demand, and thus of the global capitalist economy, is physically impossible. No energy - no economy.You get the picture. I think Peak Oil is the long-term reason that we invaded Iraq--as opposed to Afghanistan. Whoever controls the BFEE are some serious long-term thinkers; they fully subscribe to the "no energy, no economy" theory, IMO.
Perhaps oil
is too long-term to be profitable, as you say. But having forces in place to
control access to that oil fits the BFEE's demonstrated thirst for power very neatly, no?
As to massive short-term profits for ShrubCo contributors, that is pretty much a given regardless of which country we invade, innit?
Any way you slice it, there's
something out there that's precious enough to make the bu$h Regime undertake the scorched-earth policy under which they have been operating for the past three years. The Puppet Masters are going to suck everything out of this planet that they possibly can in bu$h's first term. A second trerm will simply be gravy.