to defend ourselves. But this particular military action was devised by greedy cowards that never wore the uniform of any branch of the services with honor.
There are justifications for war. Pearl Harbor was a prime example. Roosevelt brought the power of this nation to bear on the Axis within the directives of "just war".
When Ft. Sumter was shelled, an attack was made on the forces of the Federals, and war erupted. In many ways this war was tragic, but it solidified the nation, it ensured we would survive as a nation, as opposed to small city/states/nations. The most tragic part of the CW, was that Americans were pitted against Americans. Besides the solidification of the nation, the next thing that the CW did was free up an entire segment of Americans, the slaves of the South. But even today, inequalities exist, but we can be thankful that slavery was abolished. No human has the right to own another, the very notion of that is repulsive to the core of my being.
The Revolution was a direct result of one third of the colonials, demanding to be freed from British rule. King George responded by armed suppression of those in revolt. The Colonists that fought against British rule in this hemisphere were justified in rallying against armed attack. We should not forget, the revolution began with a letter to King George, his response was armed conflict. We asked to be removed from British rule, many died in that war, because rather than sit down and discuss the situation, George decided to fight.
War can be justified, but the aggressor is ALWAYS in the wrong. In this conflict in Iraq, the bush admin is the aggressor. We are NOT fighting for Iraqi democracy, we are there because of the greed of those in power. Lives, limbs and eyes are sacrificed on the Altar of War, so that cowards may profit. This is not a noble cause, it is an offense to everything this country stands for. 9-11 was no Pearl Harbor, and rather than blow Afghanistan into oblivion, we should have gone in and gotten Osama and had him tied in International Court as a terrorist. What a different world this would be, if we had people with brains and sense in the WH.