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Other sites: MWO vacation times?

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tomreedtoon Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-31-03 06:17 AM
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Other sites: MWO vacation times?
Okay, I don't know who actually runs Media Whores Online. But why is it that the site goes on vacation at times that very interesting things are happening?

I don't believe ALL these sites are one-man operations. Even the ones that are, like BartCop, manage to post regularly. Isn't there something like a "VP of operations" for these sites that can allow the main person to take a vacation without shutting the whole site down?

This actually bothers me in the case of MWO, since right now we've got a lot of stuff happening, and the site won't become active until sometime in January. And nobody - with apologies to everyone here - tackles media whoredom so well.
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acmavm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-31-03 07:03 AM
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1. You know, I've found that to be sort of strange myself. And I wondered
why the vacations are measured in months, not weeks. Does anyone know who runs the site? I think that when the sight is up and running, it's one of the best.

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