And the allegations keep piling up... you'd think he was running some small province in China with all the graft & corruption. This man has no shame.
Governor Faces New Scrutiny
Children Of His Partners In Profitable Land Deal Won State Jobs
December 31, 2003
By JON LENDER And DAVE ALTIMARI, Courant Staff Writers
The children of two of Gov. John G. Rowland's partners in a land deal that earned the governor $60,000 are among dozens of well-connected political appointees who have landed jobs in state government during his tenure.
Rowland, Michael H. Cicchetti and Anthony R. Cocchiola were partners between 1996 and 2001 in a land deal outside Rowland's hometown of Waterbury. Cocchiola's daughter and Cicchetti's son and daughter had state jobs while their fathers were in business with the governor...,1,4398011.story?coll=hc-headlines-newsat3