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corporate goons got some ideas about "displaced"

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impeach the gop Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-01-04 01:14 AM
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corporate goons got some ideas about "displaced"
These people are think tanking our lives into STEPFORD wives in order to take advntage of our helplessness.
We're fucked if we don't think these dudes mean business. We are already their property according to the
roundtable "chatter".

long read, but god they been planning everything down to our undies. Every detail. We just might as well die.

FONG: There's something at an individual level that people in the Valley have to sign up to do, as well. In this globally competitive marketplace, you have engineers in China that go to work from 8 (a.m.) to 10 (p.m.). The company feeds them lunch, a great lunch. They have great facilities, equal to the Valley. They serve them a great dinner, and they work six days a week. They go home to be with their families during a month during Chinese New Year. But after that, they're working hard, and they're really dedicated to what they're doing.

And so we have to recover from the sense of entitlement. Individuals have to want to get retrained. They're going to have to want to work hard. Sometimes I wonder whether or not we've lost that in the Valley.

Corporate responsibility

SNEIDER: In an interview that Intel CEO Craig Barrett did with us and a few other newspapers, he said, ``Look, as company, as a CEO, I can't resist the compelling arguments for moving jobs and moving operations overseas. But for the country, I'm not so sure this is such a good thing.'' And I don't have his exact quote, but it was something along those lines.

If we don't have some policies in place, and if the American public doesn't understand that we, No. 1, have an appreciation for what's happening to them, then we're going to have some reactive policies that will probably make our situation worse.
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maggrwaggr Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-01-04 01:36 AM
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1. "corporate responsibility" is an oxymoron
they have no responsibility to do anything but maximize profits and minimize expenses.

To do that, they'll do whatever the rules let them.

That is why we need rules.

Even boxing matches have referees.
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