I don't know how to go about getting the word out to the mainstream when they're not interested. I've tried to tell my friends, coworkers, and relatives and they all look at me like I'm crazy or with silence. Or they shrug their shoulders and say, "well, there's nothing we can do about it..." So only a handful are willing to say or do anything about it. My friends and coworkers just forget about it by material things and my Christian relatives, well--let's just say they are not bothered by anything because the hardships that i talk about never affects them--they've never been there--they don't want to hear my "propoganda". (Grant it, I am a born-again Christian, too, but they think I'm not because I don't adhere to their belief system). Only my grandpa of 95 years sees what is really going on and it bothers him. He's seen all the wars in this century and he knows his history. But nobody seems to want to listen to a 95 year-old man. So I don't know how to get to these people. I've tried.