Anyone else get "The Daily Bleed"? I imagine a few people around the Seattle area have dropped into the bookstore behind this.
Here's a few excerpts from today's: -- US: America's first "Red Scare" begins. Overnight 2,700 people arrested without being charged with any explicit crime. A. Mitchell Palmer, Wilson's Attorney General, & a man with Presidential ambitions of his own, ultimately arrests some 6,000 people on suspicion of "communism". Those who are not American citizens are deported as "undesirable aliens."
1928 -- George Orwell leaves the Indian Imperial Police.
"When I see an actual flesh & blood worker in conflict with his natural enemy, the police
, I do not have to say which side I am on."
1962 -- In the Modern Almanac published in 1962, author Harry Golden presents his plan for world peace:
He claims "no general can order an attack with out the message being carbon-copied 16 ways from Sunday...With no carbon copies", he went on, "Washington would become a ghost town".
1970 -- US: The Pentagon reports 1,403 military desertions since July 1, 1966.
1981 -- Canada: Vancouver Municipal & Regional Employees Union is on the picket line for 13 weeks. Innovative strike tactics, including the complete shutdown of major tourist attractions like the Planetarium & a propensity to sing labor songs at every rally & picket line won a settlement which was the envy of many a worker.
1983 -- England: Women break into cruise missile base & dance on silos, US Air Force base, Greenham Common.