after having experienced fear, anger, the gestapo environment, etc., what is now coming to a neighborhood near everyone, at work, in corporate america ...
it was me vs. the good ol'Bush-Cheney boy ... we are the haves and are lining our pockets at the expense of the company (community) ... mindset ...
I found the word 'angst' was one I could identify with (in the end, I 'won', so sayeth my lawyers, but still recovering and suffering post-traumatic syndrome from the battle for my 'democracy') ... it was a preview of things to come ... the current Big Picture ...
and, I can tell you, it's not healthy for an individual ... and, certainly not for the mental/general health of the population-at-large ...
but, many of our people have experienced similar suppression, oppression and repression because of, for example, their socio-economic conditions, i.e., the poor in their neighborhoods ... I believe we've lived in some stage of a police state for some time now ... those little sniffing dogs at Newark airport ... Poppy Bush's War on Drugs (or don't compete with one of the family's main businesses) brought much of the police state mindset locally ... now, being Ashcrofted on a broader scale ...
one has 20 seconds to open the door, or they're coming in (unless, of course, you have the means to fence your property and have security to buy extra time)
I support a Party platform plank:
implement a policy which proactively investigates, including direct participation from citizens, institionalizes and implements ways to reduce stress and anxiety in our lives and society
see: agitation, all-overs, anguish, anxiety, anxiety hysteria, anxiety neurosis, anxious bench, anxious concern, anxious seat, anxiousness, apprehension, apprehensiveness, boredom, cankerworm of care, care, cheerlessness, concern, concernment, discomfort, discomposure, discontent, dislike, displeasure, disquiet, disquietude, dissatisfaction, distress, disturbance, dread, dullness, emptiness, ennui, existential woe, fear, flatness, foreboding, forebodingness, grimness, inquietude, joylessness, lack of pleasure, malaise, misgiving, nausea, nervous strain, nervous tension, nervousness, nongratification, nonsatisfaction, overanxiety, painfulness, perturbation, pins and needles, pucker, savorlessness, solicitude, spleen, staleness, stew, strain, suspense, tastelessness, tediousness, tedium, tension, trouble, uncomfortableness, unease, uneasiness, unhappiness, unpleasure, unquietness, unsatisfaction, upset, vexation, vexation of spirit, zeal