I'm with you, DoYouEverWonder. My motto is: "Whoever controls your perception of reality, controls you." Knowing this, I am cautious. I no longer find BIG MEDIA credible. It isn't giving me the REAL SCOOP on what is going on in my world. So I have to turn to alternative sources, such as here at DU. Of course, here, now, I have to evaluate things for myself. In a single thread I hear very different analyses or points of view about a given topic--and I have to sort through it and make sense of it in a way that fits together with everything else I know (or think I know) to create a "perspective" that is credible or believable to me.
Recently I've been seeing a lot of people who, very rationally it would seem, have taken upon themselves the task of "reforming" those of us who have very serious questions about the nature of the events of 9/11. Clearly they are trying to steer us away from asking questions about PHYSICAL EVIDENCE and MIHOP.
The problem with LIHOP (that the Bush regime simply 'allowed' all this to happen) is this: It ALLOWS the fundamental scenario as advanced by the establishment--that the events of 9/11 were the result of A TERRORIST ATTACK--to stand--AND THUS ALLOWS THE WHOLE POST 9/11 INFRASTRUCTURE OF "THE WAR ON TERRORISM" TO STAND. In other words, if there was a terrorist attack and the * administration simply 'allowed' it to happen, well, there STILL is a CREDIBLE terrorist threat. And, subsequently, we still NEED all that followed in the 9/11 wake--including Homeland Security (vs 1 and 2) AND establishment of our military in the Middle East.
On the other hand, if the events of 9/11 can be shown to be a staged event--a black-op or psy-op--then a) THERE WAS NO TERRORIST ATTACK (which negates the necessity for a "War on Terrorism" either domestic or foreign) and b) IMPLICATES THE STRUCTURES OF US GOVERNMENT ITSELF IN CRIMES AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND HUMANITY. I'm sure you can see why it would be in the best interests of EVERYONE if not TOO MANY American Citizens--or Citizens of the World--began to take such a view (even if it were in fact true!). We have no words to even conceptualize what a CRISIS OF MONUMENTAL PROPORTIONS such a 'revelation' would entail.
In any case, like you, the more they try to SWAY us from our tin-hat, wing-nut, lunacy, the more I begin to wonder if, indeed, we are getting closer to the REAL truth than anyone can possibly allow.
IN CLOSING, I'll point to an article written yesterday by Michael Rupert that is well worth reading:
"On December 15, 2003, as reported by the Associated Press, the US Supreme Court announced that it would make a ruling in the case sometime in July 2004, just three months shy of the presidential election. This presents a real problem for the Bush administration. Legally, there is little to sustain its obviously illegal actions. And presenting the American people with another politically-tainted Supreme Court ruling just months before the election could easily rekindle debate over the Court's illegal Bush v. Gore ruling which stopped the Florida recount in 2000.
Aside from reminding the Court through widespread publication of stories about the pending decision there is little the American people can do to influence the outcome. However, the Court is already feeling enough pressure as a multitude of Bush administration extralegal positions come under increasing fire and close public scrutiny. In order for the machine to continue to function it must protect the value of the American brand name as reflected by its ability to convince large portions of the populace that the system still works. While the American people may not fully understand the implications of a Supreme Court ruling favoring the Bush administration in this case, the lawyers who make the system work and journalists who report on it most certainly will.
This is the ultimate high-stakes, must-win decision for the administration in the coming year. Full disclosure of Cheney's records would enable publications like FTW to once and for all answer for the American people and the world the single biggest question about 9/11, “What would motivate them to do such a horrible thing? What could have been so important?” In a criminal trial for murder this would be one of the three basic elements required for a conviction: the motive. The method and opportunity have already been established./snip/
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