Reply 4 - Posted by: ShannonM, 1/2/2004 10:50:29 AM
"...more profound to talk about the collapse of the left."
We are having a war on terror and the left is collapsing. Coincidence?
Reply 5 - Posted by: Hobbiest, 1/2/2004 11:04:45 AM
The irony is that most of those who now call themselves liberals are reactionaries.
They haven't had a new idea in 50 years. They worship the old order and openly stifle debate. Rich beyong avarice, they continue to see themselves as rebels even as they define a corrupt and out of touch establishment. From their gated communties they ooze contempt for those the see as less enlightened. They patronize those they seek to help.
Add in their contempt for middle class morals and their obsession with sexual license and you have a fair description of the worst excesses of the French aristocracy before 1789.
Reply 6 - Posted by: Talk2, 1/2/2004 11:16:07 AM
Let's see what liberalism stands for -
redistribution of your hard earned income to those who made bad life decisions; restricting your freedom of choice by using the federal judiciary to make laws common sense legislatures refuse to make; weakening the moral foundation of the country so nothing is black and white, but everything consists of shades of gray so there can be no right or wrong; and, the most dangerous agenda of liberalism - changing this country into a socialist/communist eutopia where the old communist credo, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs," pertains.
Reply 7 - Posted by: DakotaGuy, 1/2/2004 11:19:32 AM
many people are talking about a "swing to the right." We find it both more precise and more profound to talk about the collapse of the left.
I don't care who calls it what...It works for me!
Reply 9 - Posted by: TmjUtah, 1/2/2004 11:34:56 AM
I think water is finding its own level.
Pop culture depends on the organs of intelligentsia and media to give it legitimacy beyond entertainment value. Politics of the Left were consumed by 'what do I say today to get what I want tomorrow' and the country's needs got lost in the quest for power.
We have paid a terrible price for allowing our society to forget what is important and what is not. Important is families, raising our kids to understand WHY they are free, teaching our kids skills for life and employment instead of processing them through an education system designed to enrich unions and not students.
9/11 was the boot to the head that years of coercion, incremental abuse, and liberal falsity could not muddle or misrepresent.
The enemy that can kill us lives in caves and mosques. The one that can destroy us lives in blue states and in our college campus faculty rooms.
You win battles when an enemy collapses. You cannot win a war by celebrating a vacuum - only by presenting better ideas and accomplishing progress is the victory realized.
Reply 10 - Posted by: Nikkidog, 1/2/2004 11:36:04 AM
"In our time liberalism has come to mean dependence on the powers of central government to solve nearly all problems. "
You can't make any more simple than that.
Reply 11 - Posted by: gone2pot, 1/2/2004 11:38:57 AM
I'll believe it only if W wins in a landslide. I just don't see it. Those of us here at LDot understand the danger of the left, but man, remember 2K when Algore should have lost big, what with The Big Impeached He's presidency and the completely unreported recession Clinton gave us that started in the Spring of 2000? But, weren't you as stunned as me when Florida happened and the popular vote went to Algore? There's no way that should have happened but it did. It did because it's my opinion that MOST American voters are brain dead idiot morons when it comes to knowledge of politics and most (most is a hair over 50% of voters) believe what the alphabets tell them a few days before the elections. That and MTV are their sources of voting information, NOT LDot, Matt, CNS, Fox or any like minded source. I hope I am completely wrong but nothing is proving otherwise even with the left's meltdown into a Jim Jones looney bin. We know the meltdaown is happeneing because we pay attention to it. Joe Sixpack is still wondering why Friends doesn't have its own channel as he scratches his groin, burps and really does believe in Martians. That doofus gets to vote as well as his MTV lovin' eighteen year old kid. It ain't over and for me, I'll have confidence if W wins big.
Reply 14 - Posted by: mswest, 1/2/2004 12:04:39 PM
This is a profound psychological event, this collapse, individual and collective both. Some are finding themselves without their traditional anchors. They cling to the outworn for fear of finding themselves adrift in a world undergoing profound changes.
For some people, it will take time to adjust. Others underwent a period of profound shock after 9/11 and made the transition to seeing the world in new ways and did it relatively quickly (Christopher Hitchens comes to mind, and some others). A necessary adjustment, but not an easy one. Politicians may be the last to make the adjustment, having so much invested in the status quo. The rest of us know there has been a shift. The status quo wasn't static after all.