A couple of thoughts for 2004...
While I will do everything I can to get rid of the Dictator, I do think he will be reselected in 2004. The reason for this, is that I can't believe the neocons will let go of the dream of destruction that they have been pursuing since the 70's for something as trivial as the will of the people. I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think so...
On the other hand, it is possible, and I wish it, that 2004 will be the Year of Truth about 9/11/2001! On the bad side, it will create an unprecedented crisis, including economic crisis. However, on the good side, it will bring a measure of justice and truth in the world, and will help people denounce empire building and unrestrained greed for many years to come, and make the Earth a better place. (at least until Fascism cycles back in again in about 50 or 60 years)
And good news for Faux and CNN, MSNBC & Co: What ratings do you think the trials of Smirk, Cheney, Ashcroft, Rumsfeld, Perle, Wolfowitz, Rice and Powell will bring?? I think they will beat the SuperBowl hands down !!
Happy New Year !! :party: :toast: