Symbolman's right: as usual, the DUers have come up with an abundance of useful sources. But yowie, what a deadline.
Did I ever send you the article about the disparate medical treatment for wounded soldiers here in the US? Seems that "regular army" get their medical care at Walter Reed hospital, while Reserves and National Guards were (and maybe still are) warehoused remotely. Here's the link and header from my files, and I hope my format is up to snuff:
http://www.upi.com/index.cfmhttp://www.upi.com/view.cfm?StoryID=20031017-024617-1418r> Sick, wounded U.S. troops held in squalor
> By Mark Benjamin
> UPI Investigations Editor
> Published 10/17/2003 3:36 PM
> FORT STEWART, Ga., Oct. 17 (UPI) -- Hundreds of sick and wounded U.S.
> soldiers including many who served in the Iraq
> war are languishing in hot cement barracks here while they wait --
> sometimes for months -- to see doctors.
> The National Guard and Army Reserve soldiers' living conditions
> are so substandard, and the medical care so poor, that
> many of them believe the Army is trying push them out with reduced
> benefits for their ailments. One document shown to UPI
> states that no more doctor appointments are available from Oct. 14
> through Nov. 11 -- Veterans Day.
I do not know to what extent the situation has been rectified since October, but once it was reported by UPI it only took another week or so for Senators Kennedy and Leahy to go have a look for themselves and hold a press conference to express their disgust. Apparently the source of the disparity was that NO PLANS HAD BEEN MADE FOR WOUNDED RESERVISTS & NAT'L GUARDS. I still cannot wrap my mind around that. There is just no excuse on gods' green earth for sending soldiers off to war without fully-implemented plans for rehab of the survivors.
At any rate, when a VFP friend of mine tried to gain access to Ft Stewart while on vacation in Georgia later on in the fall, he couldn't get past the guards at the gate. Guess you have to be a Senator.
I appreciate this thread: it and its links are going in my files. Here's another for you all:
http://www.wsws.org/articles/2003/dec2003/suic-d05_prn.shtmlWorld Socialist Web Site www.wsws.org
WSWS : News & Analysis : Middle East : Iraq
> Alarming rise in suicides among US troops in Iraq
> By Jeff Riley
> 5 December 2003
> One grim indicator of the sinking morale of US occupation forces in
> Iraq is the alarming number of suicides among American soldiers.
> The deaths of at least 17 US troops in Iraq—15 Army personnel and two
> Marines—have been confirmed as suicides over the past seven months,
> according to a recent Associated Press review of Army casualty
> reports. Nearly all of the suicides have occurred since May 1, when
> the Bush administration declared an end to major combat operations.
> This number represents more than 10 percent of non-combat deaths
> there. According to one estimate, US troops in Iraq are committing
> suicide at three times the usual rate. Dozens of other deaths are
> currently under investigation, and the real number of suicides could
> be significantly higher. Over 500 soldiers have recently been
> evacuated from Iraq for mental health reasons. The Army has sent a
> team of mental health specialists to Iraq to assess what is perceived
> as a growing problem of both depression and suicide.
The point is, of course, that to Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld, Inc. and the entire Neocon cabal, soldiers are only useful tools, to be discarded when broken. Out of sight, out of mind.
We've gotta vote these conscienceless s.o.b.s out of office.
Yours for better days.