Where are the common sense questions from the media? Shrub's quote below says if you are unsure ... then don't put your kids in jeopardy. They should therefore tell everyone not to fly!
That would bring the alerts down.
January 3, 2004
Flight Groundings Lead Allies to Query Washington
President Bush had one threshold question for Tom Ridge, his secretary for homeland security, as they met at the White House situation room on Dec. 22. "Would you let your son or daughter fly on that plane?" he asked Mr. Ridge, according to a senior administration official privy to the conversation.
"Absolutely not," the secretary responded. "Well," Mr. Bush said, "neither would I."
http://www.nytimes.com/2004/01/03/national/03TERR.html?ei=5062&en=9f681213929ea54d&ex=1073710800&partner=GOOGLE&pagewanted=print&position=If it's not goof for Washington to fly...then cancel all flights.