Ok, i came to a conclusion in the shower the morning and i want to know if Ive lost it.
My theory is that neo-conservative world policy is to blame for 911. Ill try to keep it short.
The neo-con policy is that America, as the richest country in the world, has a moral obligation to assert itself globally in its own interest. We support dictators when it suits us, our deployed troops rape and pillage the locals, we kill boat loads of people doing naval exercises, we bomb civilians to get to people that have angered us, we bring the scourge of exploitive corporations, and we subvert governments when the are unfriendly to our policies. All of this has lead to a global hatred of the US that my conservative friends claim is due to jealousy(they are so stupid sometimes). When we role religion into this mix, we get the willingness to invade other countries based on a perceived moral obligation to spread the good news. Has all of the selfish behavior lead to a backlash in the international community. Obviously, other countries are to small to go to war with us or even piss us off in fear of economic sanctions. so mixed with the madness of one crazy religious figure and alot of money, we ended up with an explosive mix. all of this leads me to the wise words of Will Smith in MIB, "Don't start none, wont be none."
Don't get me wrong, i love America. I also love myself(platonically of course) but i like to think i know when Ive done something wrong and I'm big enough to say I'm sorry. Maybe thats what we need to do is just say we are sorry to everyone. Its not that we have ever done a major crime like Hitler and its not like we've haven't done good things cause we have. But its childish to believe that doing good in one country makes up for evil done to another. In any case, i think we need to rethink our actions and consider acting responsibly in the global theater.