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2003 - The Real Year in Review by Dems Will Win

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Dems Will Win Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-04-04 02:38 PM
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2003 - The Real Year in Review by Dems Will Win
2003 – The Real Year in Review

Bush lies at State Of The Union on Niger-Iraq uranium quest, aluminum tubes, al-Queda connection with Iraq and possibly existing weapons of mass destruction and 45-minute launch time. Impeachable offense under Defrauding Congress and Government laws (John Dean-FindLaw)

Tax breaks moved up for richest 2% of the population. Gives US government unmanageable debt in very near future (no more bond sales, no more cash = EVENTUAL GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN)

Antiwar Demonstration records, most protestors under age 25.

Ken Lay and the boys continue to go free, DoJ can’t “figure out” how to indict him. Other Executives indicted (Worldcom, etc.)

Global Warming eliminated from EPA bill

CA Fire – Republicans refused $400+ to remove diseased trees in S. CA

Euro heat wave – Global Warming on the way! Over 15,000 dead in France alone, over 5 times the 9-11 death toll

Dollar plunges due to US being bankrupt and dependent on bond sales to the Chinese, Japanese and Europeans. US begins living from bond sale to bond sale.

Tom White Scandal – Army Secy forced out by Enron scandal and outrageous pilfering

IL, CT Repub Governor scandals expose how all Republicans operate—these two just got caught.

Jeb Bush – Schiavo scandal in which Florida government intervenes in family choice situation

$610 billion deficit with Iraq $87 billion and $160 billion of Social Security IOUs. Famous “Lockbox” picked.

Iraq War--UN would have acted in a few more weeks, Bush didn’t want partners, he wanted it all for himself and Blair. Tens of thousands of Iraqis die. Saddam being overthrown used as red herring to distract from no WMD and the divvying up of oil fields among American and British oil companies, cronies of Bush.

No plan for Post-War Iraq: Jay Garner appointed for first couple of months—total fiasco. Bremer not any better. By end of 2003, Baghdad still only has electricity on 8 hours a day thanks to the French being shut out of contracts and money—they make the electric turbines needed to turn on the other ¾ of the power plants. Reconstruction time needlessly elongated and even headed toward possible failure now.

Shuttle Columbia scandal -- USAF photo showing tear in wing not allowed to be shown to NASA (or NASA leaders ignored it). Republican Congress nixed Shuttle II Rescue funding in Clinton years. Despite another Shuttle in 3 weeks that could have been launched for rescue, NASA’s O’Keefe decided to bring Shuttle down (to aid in the White House plan to get rid of the Shuttle and use those funds for the militarization of space?). WH Chief of Staff Andrew Card watching Shuttle Columbia entry early Saturday morning (to be ready for crash coordination?).

Kissinger appointed to 9-11 Commission, then Kean when Saudi client conflict ensues

Stonewalling of 9-11 Commission by White House to cover-up WH knowledge of coming OBL attack.

Rove and Plame scandal –Wilson reveals Bush’s Niger Lie, then his CIA NOC wife outed, apparently by White House inner circle. Plame worked on keeping nukes out of terrorist and rogue state hands. Overseas contacts of Plame who might have been quickly killed not reported. White House begins apparent coverup and shredding process in July and August.

NE blackout – Republican-caused when Congress and Bush fought against grid transmission buildup in 2001 so Power Industry could charge more.

MidEast Road Map leads nowhere – settlements increase, Fence allowed by US, ME spirals out of control.

Dean campaign: historic records of 2003, 10,000 in Seattle, NYC Summer before election!

Back of Volunteer Army broken by Iraq deployments and poor planning. Selective Service allocates $28 million for 2004 to reactivate DRAFT and bring it to within 75 days readiness by March 31, 2005.

Venezuela coup attempt by Bush against Chavez

ANWR defeat for Bush on Arctic Wildlife Refuge oil development

Manufacturing jobs disappear overseas forever, Bush does nothing

Offshore Corporatioin HQs soar --Bush helps them do it by continuing tax breaks for moving businesses and jobs outside of US and Zero jawboning

Disappearance of Trillions from Pentagon budget reported and forgotten

WMD found in TX RW militia camp.

OBL not captured, al-Queda increase Newsweek article on OBL being in Pakistan canyon, talks to his milkman.

Anthrax killer still not found

Ashcroft recuses himself from CIA Leak felony investigation

Bush refuses $8 billion needed for testing for No Child Left Behind--unfunded mandate, really designed to get names of high school males for DRAFT

Many Americans DIE in 2003 due to no health insurance

Bush Saudi cronies blacked out in 9-11 Senate Report.

225,000 in US die again in 2003 due to medical mistakes and mis-prescribed drugs

Mutual Fund Scandals, Brokerages pay billion dollar fine for 90s corruption.

Derivatives Bubble threatens whole global economy with probable scandal and phantom assets.

CA gov recall – Schwartzenegger wins after Enron and Power companies rob budget

Voting software scandal—kudos to Bev Harris for helping to uncover the conspiracy to steal democracy!

Zogby polls admits counting Republicans twice in every poll (because “they work and are not home”)

NY state deficit—state broke $40+ billion in debt, NYC $42 billion in debt. Pataki and Bloomberg fiscal fiascos

Most other states, local governments go broke, big cutbacks in services

Local and state taxes rise due to cut backs

Clean Air Act turned back, increasing pollution in the future.

Mad Cow scandal – Republican caused when Congress and Bush ignore lessons of British Mad Cow disaster to keep Meat Industry groups happy and corrupt, while putting entire country in danger of “prions”.

Saddam caught—W says we shouldn’t gloat, then forgets and gloats the next day – “Good Riddance, Mr. Hussein!”

Bush lets thousands of trained al-Queda leave Yemen at year-end. Declares Orange Alert.

Please Help Me Add to this list by posting in this thread. What Bushie disasters have I missed? Also anyone wants to copy this and add links, go ahead and then re-post!
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Gingersnap Donating Member (420 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-04-04 03:05 PM
Response to Original message
1. Great list, DWW
One thing that happened on your list I was unaware of--the Zogby poll admission that Repubs may be counted twice:

Zogby polls admits counting Republicans twice in every poll (because “they work and are not home”)

Do you have a link on that story?

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TolstoyAndy Donating Member (493 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-04-04 03:13 PM
Response to Original message
2. Good stuff, Dems Will Win
I'm mostly just giving this a :kick:, I have little to add or critique.

Didn't Kissinger technically get appointed in 2002? But we did get to enjoy his ignominious resignation in 2003.

"WMD found in TX RW militia camp." - and almost toally ignored by the media.

Is there a link for the Zogby item? That's unbelievable, although why business as usual is unbelievable, I don't know.

Thanks for this, DWW - some good stuff I'd forgotten!

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Dems Will Win Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-04-04 05:30 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Looking for Zogby link...
You're right about Kissinger, that was 2002. The Stonewalling was 2003.
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