“Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.”
Re-reading this, it strikes me: isn’t it precisely the reason we’ve got Al-Quiada, Saddam Hussain, Slobadon Milosovic, the outrageous excesses of Nixon and Reagan, the present regime in Iran, the present American regimes’ international arrogance, and most of the other problems the United States faces internationally – is because we HAVE NOT followed this simple admonition from a true statesman?
We have crushed popular democratic uprisings, propped up failing, murderous totalitarian dictatorships and undermined and assasinated legally elected officials – all in the name of “upholding American Interests abroad”. Of course, it wasn’t really in the interests of Americans, merely in the interests of the corporations which funded domestic political campaigns of those office holders who didn’t have the cahones to actually think that non-Americans deserve the same rights which Americans claim for themselves.
Isn’t it about time that America stood up for American Ideals? The self-evident truths spelled out in the Declaration of independence are as true today as they were 228 years ago. And they are as applicable to the 18th century English colonies in North America as they are to Iraq and Afghanistan today.
Of course, the present misAdministration seems to think otherwise.