I have thought about what I can do personally to get the word out about getting bush out of office. I don't really know anything about political activism, so I'm "winging it." Beyond voting myself, and encouraging and educating my friends and family, and beyond getting involved in a larger organized effort, I have decided to start a newsletter in my neighborhood. It will consist of the following:
1. Walk around some streets in my neighborhood and get about 100 home addresses.
2. Enter all these addresses into my computer and print out labels addressed to "resident" or "voter."
3. Periodically create a 1-page newsletter containing rants or issues of my choice, with websites for more info. Try to make it objective, not hate filled. Stick to issues. Try to reinforce the meme "vote for anyone but Bush."
4. Attach stamps and address labels and mail. I could optionally include my return address, depending on how anonymous I want to be. :)
I thought this would be a relatively easy way to reach people outside my usual circle of acquaintances. Any suggestions from you more experienced activists? I think if lots of us did this, we could make a difference. :)