The media has protected, coddled and bolstered Republicans for 25 years now, and has taken every excuse at their disposal to denigrate Democrats and progressive policy in the main.
I began to hate them as they mauled the Clintons over completely contrived 'scandals' and then not only supported, but propagated the Republicans paying women to bring phony sexual assault charges against a sitting President. And assisted the Republicans as they further abused the US Constitution, the highest law of the land, to impeach him. They repudiated every journalistic ethic to do it too.
But I still gave them a little bit of an out, as their then-latest excuse was that the new 24/7 competitive cable news environment made round-the-clock political assassination a structural inevitability in the information age.
Until Bush.
Suddenly the cynicism, the sneering, the innuendo, the snide remarks and all of it was just gone. Throughout the campaign Bush's obviously corrupt, and relevantly corrupt past, and his blatant lies and insufficiency for the job were of zero concern or consideration. And the lies about Al Gore lying were just stunning. That's when I knew we really were sucker-punched during the Clinton years. Their excuse of 24/7 competitive cable news contention were total bullshit. And their Bush ass-licking continued right into Bush's Presidency. There isn't anything he does, including his negligence paving the way for 9-11 to lying relentlessly to start a war in Iraq, that they will even question, let alone abuse their own professional integrity to assault.
And don't let them fool you with their favorite tale of how they fell in behind Bush after 9-11. They were giving him blowjobs from 2000 all the way up to 9-11. Pervasively, throughout the entire range of sick, twisted culture that journalism in America has devolved to. From Chris Matthews' looking agonized and depressed as Gore was being projected the winner to his mile-a-minute giddiness as that was changed over to Bush on election night. From the contemptuous looks on Gwen Ifill's face every time she had to mention Clinton, to the glee of a junior-high girl being asked to the prom by the coolest guy in the school whenever Bush would come up. I didn't need anyone to tell me that the media hated Clinton and hated Gore. I could see it, and can still see it as clear as day.
I think it all has to do with the money these people make. They have actually become Republican; they're not faking it. Keep in mind that both Clinton and Gore are compromising centrist Democrats. I mean theoretically, how could anything be more appealing to what you always thought journalists were? And yet American journalism has been unrepentantly venal towards them. Bush-Cheney are farther right than anybody has been in nearly a century, which you might think would be anathema to any journalistic culture, yet it's just peachy-clean to them. They are disgusting beyond measure.
American journalism has now become an institution comforting the comfortable and afflicting the afflicted. And urinating on every principle of journalism to do it too. Unreal. I honestly don't think they're ever coming back, because it has been a 25 year voyage to get them to this level of depravity and because they see nothing wrong with what they have become. In fact, they're more self-adulatory than they ever were.
I have a few ideas on what to do, but this rant is already too long. Sorry, but I just hate them so much, and so deeply now. They are the betrayers of everything. Their profession, this country, truth, humanity. God, it's like some nightmare. I even see Jim Lehrer smirking every time he gets a chance to put his thumb in Mark Shields' eye about Democrats losing in 2004. It's like an alternate universe.