Hinckley and Bush families are like THIS (two fingers held together)! They used to live in the same Houston subdivision. At least two of their kids apparently hung out together later in life, as well.
Some BFEE background, at the suggestion of DUer Bozita: Neil Bush, that famous scion of pent-up sexual and financial energy, was to dine with Scott Hinckley the day after his brother John Hinckley opened up on Pruneface Reagan. An account is below.
NEIL BUSH (AND HIS FAMILY)—I In the millions of words written in the national news media about Neil Bush and his part in the Silverado Savings & Loan scandal, no reference has been made to an extremely significant fact of his life.
Neil Bush, son of the then vice president of the United States, was scheduled to have dinner on March 31, 1981, with Scott Hinckley, brother of John Hinckley, the day after a bullet came within an inch of making Neil Bush's father the new president of the United States.
Even though John Chancellor had let slip out this most remarkable assassination coincidence shortly after John Hinckley tried to kill President Reagan, it was censored by NBC News and the other organs of the national news media during thesubsequent 10 years. And even in the several months of extensive coverage of Neil Bush's part in the massive savings and loan fraud, no mention was made of his role in the continuing coverup of the most significant story in the 1980s.
Back in 1981, I thought the dinner engagement was so extraordinary that I looked everywhere for it in the days following Chancellor's raised-eyebrow report in the hours after the shooting. One magazine laughed at it and a few smaller papers carried a story by United Press International, but the Associated Press and the other major news outlets, in response to my numerous protests, made clear to me that they had no intention of letting the American people learn of Neil Bush's connection to the Hinckleys or, for that matter, the many other astonishing unanswered questions in the wake of the Bush-Hinckley coverup.
http://www.nathanielblumberg.com/neil.htmWhat's also weird is that the reporter on the scene of Reagan's shooting said shots also came from above. That story disappeared, pronto. The following report shows what really nice people, that Bush Organized Crime Family, are. Real nice, quiet, too...
Notes On the Day Reagan Was Shot: A Timetable to Power?EXCERPT...
Five hours after Reagan was shot, Bush led a Cabinet meeting which decided 'officially' (though it is clear there was a internal debate led primarily by Alexander Haig--whose subsequent behavior is best explained by the extreme nature of the "Bush initiative") that there was no conspiracy to shoot Reagan. This, even though the official police investigation was not even started, much less completed at this time. In short, the Cabinet was clearly pressured by Bush to come to this conclusion. This is especially interesting in view of the following:
" . . . Hinckley was arrested by airport authorities in Nashville. . . on October 9, 1980...for carrying three guns, and was quickly released. Reagan had been in Nashville on Oct. 7, and Carter arrived there on Oct. 9 . . . the firearms charge against him on the same day that the president was coming town should have landed him on the Secret service watch list of potential assassins but the FBI apparently neglected to transmit the information to the Secret Service . . . Jodie Foster had indeed received a series of letters and notes from Hinckley, which she had passed on to her college dean. The dean allegedly gave the letters to the New Haven police, who supposedly gave them to the FBI. Nevertheless nothing was done to restrain Hinckley, who had a record of psychiatric treatment. Hinckley had been buying guns in various locations across the U.S. . . .Was a network operating through the various law enforcement agencies responsible for the failure to restrain Hinckley or put him under special surveillance?...
he FBI soon officially rubber stamped the order promulgated to the Cabinet that no conspiracy be found.. . . Hinckley's parents' memoirs refer to some notes penciled byHinckley which were found during a search of his cell and which " could sound bad." these notes described \lquote an imaginary conspiracy--either with the political right or left --to assassinate the President . . .
"Hinckley\rquote s lawyers, from Edward Bennett Williams' law firm, said that the notes were too absurd to be taken seriously, and they have been suppressed . . . in July, 1985, the FBI was compelled to release some details of its investigation of Hinckley under the FOIA. No explanation was offered of how it was determined that Hinckley acted alone . . . According to a wire service account, 'The file made no mention of papers seized from Hinckley's prison cell at Butner, N.C., which reportedly made reference to a conspiracy. Those writings were ruled inadmissible by the trial judge and never made public.' The FBI has refused to release 22 pages of documents concerning Hinckley. . . The . . . defense team argued that he was insane...and in July, l982, he was found not guilty by reason of insanity. He was remanded to St. Elizabeth Mental Hospital where he remains to this day, with no fixed term of service . . .
"The other aspect of the case that would have merited some attention was\i the relation of John W. Hinckley , sr., the gunman's father, to the U.S. intelligence community . . . ' Jack' Hinckley was frequently a close associate of Robert Ainsworth, the director of the Ministries for World Vision, Inc. . . one of the most notorious non-governmental organizations that function as a defacto arm of U.S. intelligence under current arrangements. Ainsworth's pedigree is impressive: he was a foreign area analyst for the State Department, an advisor during Vietnam, and chaired an international committee . . . The largest contributor to World Vision is the U.S. State Dept. Agency for International Development. . .<--emphasis added--mcs> (Tarpley and Chaitkin 374-7)."