Links to all of these articles, and more, can be found in the
PNAC Archive in the Bush/Conservatives folder:
NY Times Op-Eds 03/02/03 (Dowd, Friedman)
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
"It's the Kissinger plan" - Mother Jones - March/April 2003
Guardian 2/26/03 - "Decisions, decisions" (re designs for US hegemony
New Nat'l Sec'y Strategy: Pre-emptive Strikes (NYT, WP, Guardian)
A think tank war: Why old Europe says no - SMH (from Der Spiegel) 3/7/03
The Bush lies pushing the world to the brink-Robert Scheer - Salon 3/5/03
The president's real goal in Iraq - Atlanta Journal Constitution 9/29/02
The Plan - ABC News Nightline 3/10/03
Lunch With The Chairman (Perle) - Seymour Hersh-New Yorker 3/17/03
Invading Iraq not a new idea for Bush clique - Philadelphia Daily News Jul-14-03
Plans For Iraq Attack Began On 9/11- CBS News 9/4/02
7/13/2000 Guardian: Anger at peace talks 'meddling'(Perle sabotages talks)
A Wilful Blindness - George Monbiot - London Guardian 03/11/03
9/11 gave life to U.S. imperial ambitions - Japan Times - 3/14/03
Bush planned Iraq 'regime change' before becoming Pres. - Herald-9/15/02
A world safe for democracy, or perpetual war? - Star Tribune 3/16/03
Is Iraq the opening salvo in a war to remake the world? - TAP 3/18/03
White House Claims: A Pattern of Deceit-Inst. for Public Accuracy 3/18/03
The Men From JINSA and CSP - The Nation, August 15, 2002
This war is brought to you by ... Asia Times 3/20/03
(Perle) Also Advising Global Crossing - NYTimes-03/21/03
Pentagon Strategy Creates Rift Among Hawks - Alternet 3/21/03
Pre-emption: Idea With a Lineage Whose Time Has Come | NYT | 3/23/03
US thinktanks give lessons in foreign policy - UK Guardian 8/02/03
The Madness of Empire - The American Conservative
The Wraps Come Off Bush's Colonialist Agenda - LA Times 3/25/03
Practice to Deceive - Wash. Monthly -Joshua Micah Marshall 4/03
Defense Adviser Perle Resigns - WP 3/27
Pentagon Adviser Is Stepping Down (Perle) - NYT-3/28
Woolsey: U.S. faces 'World War IV' - CNN - 4/3/03
Road to Baghdad Paved by 'Scoop' Jackson - Seattle PI 4/6/03
Neoconservative clout seen in U.S. Iraq policy-Milwaukee Journal Sentinal
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
How neoconservatives conquered Washington - Salon 4/9/03
Bush ready to fight war on two fronts - Guardian 4/13/03
Privatization in Disguise - The Nation 4/10/03
The Strategist and the Philosopher (Strauss) - Le Monde (via truthout)
Hawks Rip Into Mideast Plan - LA Times
Whose war is this? | Pat Buchanan USA Today 09/26/2001
Why look in the crystal ball? - Terry Jones, Guardian 5/4/03
Perle Briefed Seminar on How to Profit From Iraq - AP 5/7/03
Consulting and Policy Overlap (Perle) - LA Times | 5/7/03
Strong Must Rule the Weak, said Neo-Cons' Muse (Strauss) - Truthout | 5/8/03
The Philosopher (Strauss) - Boston Globe | 5/11/03
Radio Interview with Jeet Heer, on Strauss - WNYC 5/22/03
SELECTIVE INTELLIGENCE - S. Hersh, The New Yorker 5/12/03
Father Strauss Knows Best - NYT | 5/4/03
A PNAC Primer: How We Got Into This Mess - Bernard Weiner, Counterpunch
Five steps to the world according to Bush-Neil Mckay Sunday Herald 6/1/03
A mission in Iraq built on a lie - Sydney Morning Herald 6/16/03
The spies who pushed for war (OSP) - Guardian, 7/17/03
Seymore Hersh - Who Lied To Whom (New Yorker Mar 2003)
Are Neocons cooking their own goose? - Sacramento Bee 7/27/03
Get real | Guardian 8/26/03 Stephanie
This war on terrorism is bogus | M. Meacher, UK Guardian, 9/6/03
Empire Builders - Neoconservatives and their blueprint for US power | Christian Science Monitor
MN Startribune: Iraq: It was never about Sept. 11
THE STOVEPIPE by SEYMOUR M. HERSH | The New Yorker - 10/27/03
Cheney's hawks 'hijacking policy' | SMH (Australia) 10/30/03
War critics astonished as US hawk admits invasion was illegal (Perle) | UK Guardian