The transcript is at what you like about Nader, his voice on Crossfire definitely helps US, the Democrats, and tears down Bush:
My favorites:
Novak tries to get Nader to criticize Dean by asking why he doesn't support Dean even though Dean says such Nader-like things as "We've allowed our lives to become slaves to the bottom line of multinational corporations all over the world", Nader turns it around out by saying first 'good for Dean' then..NADER: Those are words. We have to wait for deeds, don't we?
But look at the -- look at the facts here; 58,000 Americans die from worker-related diseases every year. Compare that, say, to 9/11. They're both preventable; 65,000 Americans die from air pollution every year. Compare that. Compare the 80,000 who died from medical malpractice in hospitals. Why isn't George Bush worried about those Americans, as he ships our industry to the despotic communist regime in China? That ought to bother you.
and in answering Begala's comments about how a Nader candidacy leading to Bush winning again would be a worldwide tragedy, he first talks about "two fronts against Bush" then leads into great comments that appeal to the issues and concerns of non-Democratic voters.a lot of conservatives and libertarians are furious with Bush over the deficits, the invasion of privacy, the Patriot Act, the civil liberties, the corporate subsidies, his comments on Taiwan, soft on corporate crime, corporate pornography affecting their kids
andBush has been destroying conservative principles. Bush and his big-business buddies are destroying the fundamental principles of capitalism in our country. Like, if you're in trouble as a business, you don't go to Washington for a bailout.
and he talked about the troops:why are we sacrificing our troops again and again, with massive injuries that don't get reported, compared to the fatalities, which do, properly? Do you know there are 1,000 soldiers sick from sandfly disease?
check out his final slams about how the Bush administration has gone off the rocker in the transcript.